Athos: All for one. Musketeers: And one for all. Milady: So, what's next? Athos: Back to Paris, I guess. Milady: And then what? Athos: Wherever they send us, whatever France needs. Aramis: It's who we are. It's what we do. Milady: I too love you. Athos: I know. Milady: Then please try and understand that this isn't personal. It's strictly business. He made me a better offer. Duke of Buckingham: Ah. Athos. Athos: Buckingham. Duke of Buckingham: A toxin. In case you were wondering, it wasn't in your drink, it was on your cup. Inactive until it came into contact with the liquid. Don't worry. It isn't fatal. Although I suspect a part of you wishes it was. You take all the risk and I get the reward. Hardly seems fair. Well, just so you don't leave empty-handed...a word of advice. Trust no one, especially women. You'll live longer. Telling him you loved him right before you betrayed him. I must say, that was cruel, even by my standards. I only took away his prize. You took a lot more than that. At last, the war machine. **************************** D'Artagnan’s father: Look down. It's a trick an old friend taught me. Your adversary will not always be as noble as you. Remember that...and I have nothing left to teach you. D'Artagnan: I doubt that, Father. D'Artagnan’s father: Keep it. It's passed down from generation to generation, from father to son. It's yours now. D'Artagnan: The weapon of a Musketeer. D'Artagnan’s father: The real weapon of a Musketeer... is here. All for one. D'Artagnan: And one for all. D'Artagnan’s father: You remind me of somebody. D'Artagnan: Let me guess. You. D'Artagnan’s father: No, no. The man I wish I was when I was your age. Well, you should really be on your way. Take this purse. There's 15 crowns in it. It's enough to get you to Paris. And you'll need a mount. Your mother's insisting you take Buttercup. I know it's not much, and.... D'Artagnan: It's plenty. D'Artagnan’s mother: Take care of yourself, my son. Try not to get into any fights. D'Artagnan: If I'm to be a musketeer, I think I might have to do a little bit of fighting. D'Artagnan’s mother: Stay at the back if you can. D'Artagnan: Yes, Mother. D'Artagnan’s father: There's one more piece of advice. D'Artagnan: I know. I know. Don't get into any trouble. D'Artagnan’s father: Wrong. Get into trouble. Make mistakes. Fight, love, live. And remember, always, you're a Gascon and our son. Now go. Go. ******************************* Captain Rochefort: In the name of God, what kind of beast is that? And the beast he's riding doesn't look much either. D'Artagnan: Ostler. Ostler: Sir? D'Artagnan: Please see that my horse is watered and fed. Captain Rochefort: Oh, it's a horse, is it? My friends here thought it was a cow. D'Artagnan: Excuse me. See, I know you men are just kidding around. Buttercup...well, she gets a little sensitive. I'm afraid I must ask you to apologize. Captain Rochefort: Well, I'm afraid I'm not in the habit of apologizing to Gascon yokels. D'Artagnan: Not to me. To my horse. You've hurt her feelings. Captain Rochefort: And if I don't? D'Artagnan: I shall have to kill you. You shot me! Captain Rochefort: Most observant of you, young man. But the real question is, why are you not dead? Flesh wound. Sight must be off. Who takes care of my pistols? Man: Captain Rochefort, I.... Cart driver: Whoa, whoa, steady. Captain Rochefort: Wouldn't want to dirty my blade with peasant blood. So, boy...consider this a lesson. Your last. Milady: No. He's too pretty for that. Captain Rochefort: As you wish, Milady. Milady: Rochefort, come. We're expected in Paris. D'Artagnan: Thank you. |
mount: 坐骑