D'Artagnan: Ah. There you are. Shall we get to it? Athos: So, are you eager to meet your maker? D'Artagnan: I have other appointments. Athos: You'll miss them, I'm afraid. D'Artagnan: Well, I'll try my best to be on time. Athos: My seconds. Porthos: You! You're fighting this rascal? D'Artagnan: My appointments. One o'clock. Two o'clock. Athos: How long have you been in Paris? D'Artagnan: Arrived this morning. Athos: You have been busy. D'Artagnan: Patience is not one of my virtues. Porthos: Well, neither are good manners. D'Artagnan: Wait for your turn, old man. Porthos: What would you like me to put on your headstone? "Little shit"? D'Artagnan: D'Artagnan. Athos: D'Artagnan. I'm Athos. This is Porthos and Aramis. D'Artagnan: The Three Musketeers. I've heard of you. From my father, a musketeer himself. In fact, I came to Paris to be one of you. Aramis: I'm afraid you're a little late. D'Artagnan: What happened? Athos: Oh, a bad mission. Budget cuts. Cardinal, progress. Take your pick. Aramis: Well, then, welcome to Paris. Pity we'll have to kill you. D'Artagnan: Well, if I can't become a musketeer, I might as well fight one. Or three. Porthos: Kill him already. It's lunchtime and I'm starving. Jussac: Halt! Athos: Jussac. Jussac: Well, well, well. How the mighty have fallen. Dueling in defiance of the edicts? Athos: You got tired of rolling peddlers for spare change? Jussac: Now... Man: Seal the square! Jussac: Surrender your weapons and come along with us. Man: Seal it off! Jussac: Unless of course, you would rather resist. Porthos: New plan. Kill the boy, kick their asses, and then go get some lunch. I could do with some exercise. Jussac: You were saying? Porthos: On the other hand, discretion is the better part of valor. D'Artagnan: You're the musketeers. Athos: Wrong. We were the musketeers. Now we're just...us. Rochefort. Aramis: Shall we? Captain Rochefort: Finish them off. Athos: Let's even the odds. D'Artagnan: Enjoying the show? Jussac: You! Constance: Watch out! D'Artagnan: You didn't answer my question. Constance: Are you always this cocky? D'Artagnan: Only on Tuesdays...and whenever beautiful women are involved. Jussac: Damn you! D'Artagnan: Can't you see we're trying to have a conversation? What is your name? Constance: Constance. D'Artagnan: Constance. Sounds very steadfast. Constance: A quality you seem to know little about. D'Artagnan: Oh, I beg to differ. Deep down, I am a hopeless romantic. Back for more? People: Musketeers! Musketeers! Musketeers! Athos: I'd forgotten what it feels like. Aramis: We all have. D'Artagnan: The name is d'Artagnan. Constance: You must come from a very small town. D'Artagnan: How did you know? Constance: Lines like yours might actually work there. This is Paris. I suggest you stick to swordplay. In the battle of wits, you, sir, are unarmed. Porthos: She's right, lad. The ladies of Paris are infinitely more complicated. They have a thousand ways of saying no, and only some of them mean yes. Aramis: I hate to ruin the mood, but they will be back. Athos: And unless you wish to fight an entire army. Porthos: Elsewhere. |