Chuck: This spell...turn it off, please.
Anisha: Charlie, I was just a kid. I didn't know what I was doing. I don't even know what I did.
Chuck: You fucked up my life! That's what you did.
Anisha: I asked you to watch your language. Your room. Now.
Chuck: Anisha, I am begging you. Have you ever wanted someone so badly that you would do anything to get them?
Anisha: If someone's meant to be yours, eventually they will be.
Chuck: No. Wait. No! If you think that by me being here, we're supposed to get together...
Anisha: I wasn't talking about you. My husband Kurt. Really, Charlie, I was 10. I may have thought I was in love, but I was also hot for Scott Baio.
Chuck: So... I've blown it.
Anisha: Well, then, all you can do is let her go.
Stu: Yeah, dude! You're my hero! How was she?
Chuck: Take me home.
Stu: I'm not that easy, man. You're going to have to take me to dinner first. You little munchkin.
Chuck: I have to set her free, let Mother Nature take its course. If you love something, set it free, right?
Stu: I think Cam is really going to respond to the new gay you, Chuck.
Chuck: Take me home. I got a phone call to make. Hi. I'm trying to find Howard Blaine. Hi, Howard. Um, we've never met, but I have a friend that you really need to meet.
Cam: Howard?