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      故事发生在美丽的巴塞罗那,美国女孩维姬(丽贝卡•豪尔 Rebecca Hall 饰)和克里斯蒂娜(斯嘉丽•约翰逊 Scarlett Johansson 饰)在度假时认识了名声并不太好的艺术家胡安(哈维尔•巴登 Javier Bardem 饰)。性格迥异的两姐妹在第二次遇到胡安后,对于胡安结伴去奥维耶多过周末的邀请,热情奔放的克里斯蒂娜一下子就爽快答应了,而即将结婚的维姬却感到深深的不安。


      当三个人再次回到巴塞罗那之后,维姬的未婚夫道格前来陪伴她,维姬的生活似乎归于平静。而当克里斯蒂娜开始了与胡安热恋并同居的生活之时,胡安的前妻玛丽娅(佩内洛普•克鲁兹 Penélope Cruz 饰)突然出现,这三人之间构筑起一种奇特的关系。于是在盛夏的充满浪漫气息的欧洲名城,一段诙谐而又深刻的关于爱的故事拉开了序幕。



      Unfortunately, Charles and Cristina were not a match made in heaven.


      You've been throwing him little looks all night.


      This guy doesn't beat around the bush.


      He's not one of these cookie-cutter molds.


      If I were the type of person who played around, I don't think it's in the cards for us.


      So you're pretty much home free, unless you…blow it.


      But I can hold my liquor.


      You don't sound bowled over.


      She speaks my language.


      We'd be at each other's throats in a month.



      Why not? Life is short. Life is dull. Life is full of pain. This is a chance for something special.

      Does she always analyze every inspiration until each grain of charm is squeezed out of it?

      The trick is to enjoy life, accepting it has no meaning whatsoever. I mean, the city is romantic. The night is warm and balmy. We are alive. Isn't that meaning enough?

      Look, I love her because she's your friend...but I've warned you about her. She's an unhappy person. She can't part with that self-image of the oh-so-special woman.

      I love him, but I'm not in love with him.

      Cristina: It's nice to be able to not have to worry about if some place is going to stay open.

      Vicky: Yeah, but we probably should be worrying about our dreams. Who are you looking at?

      Cristina: Isn't that the painter we just saw at the gallery?

      Vicky: Oh, yeah. He's the painter with the bad divorce. Mark told us. I was half listening.

      Cristina: He keeps looking over here.

      Vicky: Well, that’s because you keep provoking contact.

      Cristina: I'm not provoking contact.

      Vicky: You've been throwing him little looks all night.

      Cristina: I'm just drinking my wine.

      Vicky: Yeah, of course you are. You must be doing something because he's coming over.

      Juan Antonio: American?

      Cristina: I'm Cristina and this is my friend, Vicky.

      Juan Antonio: What color are your eyes?

      Cristina: They're blue.

      Juan Antonio: I would like to invite you both to come with me to Oviedo.

      Vicky: To come where?

      Juan Antonio: To Oviedo. For the weekend. We leave in one hour.

      Cristina: Where is Oviedo?

      Juan Antonio: A very short flight.

      Vicky: By plane?

      Cristina: What's in Oviedo?

      Juan Antonio: A sculpture that is very inspiring to me. A very beautiful sculpture. You'll love it.

      Vicky: You're asking us to fly to Oviedo and back?

      Juan Antonio: No, we'll spend the weekend. I'll show you around the city. We'll eat well, we'll drink good wine, we'll make love.

      Vicky: Who exactly is going to make love?

      Juan Antonio: Hopefully, the three of us.

      Vicky: Oh, my God.

      Juan Antonio: I'll get your bill.

      Vicky: Jesus. This guy doesn't beat around the bush. Look, senor, maybe in a different life.

      Juan Antonio: Why not? Life is short. Life is dull. Life is full of pain. This is a chance for something special.

      Vicky: Right. Who exactly are you?

      Juan Antonio: I am Juan Antonio. And you are...Vicky, and you are Cristina. Right? Or is it the other way around?

      Vicky: It could be the other way around because frankly it doesn’t matter, because either of us will do to keep the bed warm. I get it.

      Juan Antonio: Well, you are both so lovely and beautiful.

      Vicky: Well, thank you, but we do not fly off to make love with whoever invites us to charming little Spanish towns.

      Juan Antonio: Does she always analyze every inspiration until each grain of charm is...squeezed out of it?

      Cristina: I guess I have to say that...my eyes are green, actually.

      Vicky: Oh, God. I wouldn't call our reluctance to leap at your sexual offer being over-analytical. If you would care to join us for some recognized form of social interaction like a drink, then we'd be fine, but otherwise, I think you should try, you know, offering to some other table.

      Juan Antonio: What offended you about the offer? Surely not that I find you both beautiful and desirable.

      Vicky: Offended me? No. It's very amusing...galling, to be honest, but... Is it my imagination or is it getting a little late? Should we go?

      Cristina: I would love to go to Oviedo.

      Vicky: What? Are you kidding?

      Cristina: I think it would be so much fun. I'd love to go.

      Vicky: Christina, can we discuss this some other time?

      Juan Antonio: You know, when I saw you across the room at the art gallery, I noticed you have...beautiful lips. Very full, very sensual.

      Cristina: Thank you. I can't guarantee the lovemaking, because I happen to be very moody.

      Juan Antonio: Let's not negotiate like a contract. I came over here with no subterfuge, and presented my best offer. I hope you will discuss it and give me the pleasure to take you with me to Oviedo. I have the good fortune to borrow my friend's plane. It's just big enough for the three of us and I'm a very good pilot.

      Vicky: Oh it sounds very safe.

      Juan Antonio: Think it over.

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