双语读电影 《怪兽大学》第17章 :一个老馆员有什么好怕的!
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    Chapter  17

    The library was absolutely quiet. Then, one by one, the Oozmas entered the huge room, weaving carefully around the tables. They followed Mike as well as they could, slowly, trying desperately not to make a sound. Heel to toe, heel to toe.
    The second event of the Scare Games was under way. Across the room, flags were hanging from the arms of a tall statue. The goal of the event was to sneak across the library and remove a flag without alerting the librarian. She was as strict as they came: fifty feet tall, stern, with tentacles just waiting to grab noisy students. Her glasses were thick and her eyesight was poor, so she had to rely almost entirely on her sense of hearing. If team members made noise and attracted her attention, she’d toss them out. The last team with a flag left still dangling on the statue would be eliminated.
    The Greek Council president and her vice president were watching from a side room overlooking the library. “We are at the halfway point of this event, and things are getting interesting,” the president whispered to the crowd of onlookers. Everyone held their breath as the sorority girls from HSS reached the statue. The girls quickly snatched their flag and raced out of the library, passing the test. Of course, the RORs had already gotten their f lag and passed, too. “Only two teams left,” whispered the president. “Who will make it out with their flag and who will be eliminated?”
    The vice president continued. “In a real scare, you do not want to get caught by a kid’s parent,” he whispered. “And in this event, you do not want to get caught by the librarian.”
    The librarian pressed a scaly finger to her lips and said, “Shhh. Quiet.”
    Terri scoffed and whispered, “I’m not afraid of some old librarian!” Just then, a student sneezed. The librarian whipped around toward the sound and seemed to become even larger and more terrifying. She grabbed the student in her tentacles.
    “I said, quiet!” she snarled at the poor student.
    Then she hurled the student upward, through a hole in the library’s glass dome ceiling. The student flew into the air, then dropped down into the trees outside and landed in a stream. Onlookers cheered and howled.
    Mike looked at his frightened teammates and whispered, “Do exactly what I do.” They nodded and crept slowly through the library, mimicking Mike’s every move.
    Sulley looked from his team to the EEKs, who were gaining speed. “FASTER!” Sulley whispered impatiently, trying to move his team along.
    But Mike held up his hand. “Slow and steady,” he told the team.
    “Slow and steady,” Art whispered, holding up his hand, imitating Mike exactly.
    Sulley groaned in frustration as they each relayed the message down the line exactly as Mike had said it. Finally, he just couldn’t take the Oozmas’ snaillike pace a minute more. He bolted toward the flag, leaving his teammates behind.
    Mike’s eye went wide. “Sullivan!” he whispered.
    “Sullivan!” Art whispered.
    “Sullivan!” Terri and Terry whispered.
    Mike shushed the team. “Shhh!” Art whispered to Terri and Terry.
    “Shhh!” the brothers whispered to Don, who whispered it to Squishy.
    Mike shook his head and sighed.
    They all watched as Sulley ran to a ladder that was fastened on a track against the bookshelves. He climbed to the top and pushed the ladder so that it slid across the shelves toward the flag. Mike gasped as the librarian whipped her head around. She adjusted her glasses but didn’t seem to notice Sulley. “Hmmm,” she murmured suspiciously, and then returned to her work.
    Sulley was near the flag now but not quite close enough. He inched forward, extending his arm toward the flag. He was almost touching it when the bottom of the ladder began coming off its tracks. A moment later, both Sulley and the ladder fell to the ground with a thunderous CRASH!


    第 17 章

    图书馆里鸦雀无声。OK会的成员们挨个儿进入大厅,小心翼翼地绕开桌子行走。他们尽可能安静地跟在麦克后面慢慢地走着,极力不发出任何声响——由脚跟到脚尖,再由脚跟到 脚尖。
    现在进行的是“惊吓杯”的第二场比赛。图书馆里,一座高高的雕像手臂上挂着各队的旗子。这轮比赛的目标是,在不惊动图书馆管理员的情况下摘下旗子。管理员不苟言笑地看着大家走进来。她足有五十英尺高,表情严肃,触角时刻准备去抓住那些吵闹的学生。她视力很不好,戴着厚厚的眼镜,大多数情况下只能靠听觉。如果团队里有人发出声音让她听见,她就会把他们全都扔出去。雕像上悬挂的最后一面旗子所属的队伍将被 淘汰。

      上一篇:双语读电影 《怪兽大学》第16章 :我们只有一个大脑——我的大脑 下一篇:双语读电影 《怪兽大学》第18章 :OK必胜!OK必胜!OK必胜!


