Chapter 23
Sulley approached the Oozma simulator, cracked his huge knuckles, and entered the room. In the ROR simulator, Randy also entered, climbing the side of the room and disappearing against the wall.Sulley carefully crept up to the bed, slowly looming up and over the sim-kid. Then he let out the most ferocious ROARRRRR of the day!
In the other simulator, Randy was about to start his own scare when the sound of Sulley’s roar knocked him off the wall. Randy fell to the f loor, blended into a heart pattern on the bedroom rug, and let out a meager yelp. The sim-kid responded with a very short scream.
“It’s all tied up!” the Greek Council vice president announced, indicating the scoreboard as Sulley and Randy emerged from their simulators. Against Randy’s poor performance, Sulley had pulled the OKs up to the same score as the RORs.
Johnny and the RORs were furious with Randy. “You stink, Boggs!” Chet told him.
Randy seethed as he watched the Oozmas celebrate. “That’s the last time I lose to you, Sullivan,” he muttered.
“Worthington and Wazowski to the starting line!” the Greek Council vice president announced.
All eyes were on Mike as he marched to the starting line next to Johnny. The light turned green and both ran to their simulators. As they entered their doors, Johnny ran right to the bed while Mike took his time, distracting his sim-kid with a scratch on the bedpost.
Johnny went straight to the bed with a huge ROARRR! The sim-kid screamed, giving Johnny almost a full scream can. Johnny stepped out of the simulator and strutted like a champion as the crowd chanted, “ROR! ROR! ROR!”
Inside the Oozma simulator, Mike crouched by the bed, contemplating his next move. He knew it was all up to him. He thought about everything he’d been told over the years ... leading up to Sulley’s advice: Let the scary out! Mike focused his energy and leaped onto the bed, letting out his best, most intense ROARRRRR!
The sim-kid screamed — and Mike’s scream can filled to the top! The crowd went wild! The Oozmas were the winners of the Scare Games!
The OKs jumped up and down happily as the crowd cheered, “Oozma! Oozma!” and Sulley shouted, “We’re in the Scaring Program!” Ms. Squibbles was hugging everyone. She hugged Don, but his tentacles stuck to her. They both pulled away, slightly embarrassed.
“Oh, pardon me, there, Ms. Squibbles,” Don said.
Ms. Squibbles batted her five blue eyes and blushed. “It’s Sheri,” she said sweetly as the Oozmas hoisted Mike onto their shoulders.
At last, the celebration began to wind down, but the Oozma Kappas felt that all their dreams had come true. They had accepted their trophy and were basking in the glory of being winners. As they finished shaking hands with the crowd, one fan shouted, “You rule!”
Don grinned. “I have never ruled before,” he said. Sulley laughed as he looked for Mike in the crowd.
“Hey, Wazowski!” Sulley shouted, finally spotting Mike near the Oozmas’ simulator. “Come on, let’s go, you maniac! We’re celebrating!”
But Mike didn’t respond. He seemed dazed. “Mike?” Sulley asked.
“I did it,” Mike said in an awed tone. He walked into the simulator and stared at the sim-kid. “I can’t believe it. I’m going to be a Scarer.”
Sulley smiled. “Yeah. Yeah, you are.”
Mike turned toward the sim-kid and said, “You hear that? Get plenty of rest, kiddo, ’cause you haven’t seen the last of Mike Wazowski.” Mike playfully threw his hands in the air and said, “BOO!”
The sim-kid shot straight up in bed and screamed. Mike turned to see the scream can f ill to the top. “I knew I was scary,” Mike said, confused, “but I didn’t know I was that scary.”
“Yeah,” Sulley replied. “We’re so scary, I guess we broke it.”
A dark thought suddenly passed through Mike’s round head. He walked over to the sleeping sim-kid and snapped his f ingers. “AHHHHH!” the sim-kid screamed, and shot out of bed again.
Mike lifted the bed skirt and took a look at the settings on the control panel. Sulley shifted nervously. “Come on,” he said to Mike, “I don’t think you should be messing with that.”
But Mike looked closer at the gauges. He noticed that the settings for each round in the simulator were set on high — except for the last one. His own settings were on the lowest, not the highest, level. All at once, it dawned on him: the simulator had been rigged.
Mike turned to Sulley. “Did you do this?” he asked.
Sulley struggled for an answer. Finally, he said, “I ... Yes, I did.” He watched Mike’s face drop. “But you don’t understand.”
Mike was heartbroken. “Why?”
Sulley hung his head and sighed. “You know, just in case.”
Mike knew all too well. “You don’t think I’m scary,” he said, stunned. “You’re just like Hardscrabble and everyone else.”
“Well, what was I supposed to do?” Sulley replied, defending himself against Mike’s anger. “Let the whole team fail because you don’t have it?”
The words shot Mike through the heart. He stared at Sulley for a moment. Then he stormed of f.
Sulley looked to one side and saw the rest of the Oozmas staring at him in shock. They had been standing near the simulator and had heard everything.
Squishy sadly set the trophy down on the ground. Then he and the other Oozmas walked away, hurt and confused.
Sulley stood alone on the stage, trying to process it all. He picked up the trophy and numbly walked across campus.
Johnny and the RORs spotted him and crowded around. Johnny slappedSulley on the back. “Looks like I was wrong about you,” Johnny said, throwing a ROR jacket over Sulley’s big shoulders. “You’re one of us after all.”
Sulley saw Dean Hardscrabble up ahead. He stared for a moment, and then a look of resolve came into his eyes. He handed both trophy and jacket to Johnny. As the RORs watched in surprise, he left them behind and strode purposefully toward Hardscrabble.
At the same time, Mike was walking through the halls of MU’s door tech building, heading to the door lab. As he passed a group of students exiting the lab, he casually lifted a key card from a backpack. Looking around to make sure no one was watching, he quickly swiped the card and waited for the security light above the lab door to turn green.
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