Chapter 20
After a much needed rest, the next morning brought clear skies and a renewed sense that everything was going to be okay. Spot rode on Arlo’s back, and Arlo walked confidently, feeling proud that they had made it through the terrible storm.
They heard a distant howl and turned to see a human man up on a hill. A mother and two children appeared—it was a family. Arlo slowly moved toward them. The father came forward and Spot hopped down, off Arlo’s back to investigate.
The humans sniffed each other as Arlo watched. The father tousled Spot’s hair and the rest of the family gathered affectionately around Spot.
Spot looked at Arlo and ran back toward him. He jumped up on Arlo’s back, ready to keep going. But Arlo lowered him down, and gently slid him off. Spot didn’t understand. Then Arlo pushed him toward the family.
Spot still didn’t understand. He ran back to Arlo. But Arlo, again, pushed him back to the family. Then he drew a circle in the ground around all of them, just like he had with the stick figures on the night they howled at the moon. Spot and Arlo locked eyes. Spot understood.
The friends had tears in their eyes as they hugged. They both knew this was good-bye.
Once they parted, Arlo watched as Spot trotted toward the family. The father stuck out his hand to Spot, and the boy grabbed it, walking beside him, as if they had always been together. The family walked off and Spot looked back at Arlo one last time, sending up a howl. Arlo knew things were as they should be, but he felt a tightness in his throat as he howled back. He couldn’t help but feel a little sad and he missed Spot already.
With a tear running down his cheek, Arlo stood and watched as his friend walked away.