面试是整个求职过程中最重要的阶段 ,谈谈你第一次面试的经历
A: Kawabe, can you talk about your first job interview?
B: Sure, first job interview! This is a funny story and that was a time I took the interview, had an interview with the TV broadcaster, and then it was a very famous one in Yotsuya, in Tokyo and that was a very important interview because the job is interesting and there are many, there are so many applicants to the same position so, and the thing is I was late for that interview (No) and I was late for thirty minutes (Ooh) I was really bad, you know, and then the reason is, at that time I was working for, I was a bike rider at a delivery.
A: Oh, you delivered stuff?
B: Bike delivery!
A: Oh, really, what did you deliver?
B: Ah, the documents and you know whatever it is when you want to send somewhere the thing fast!
A: Yeah, yeah, cool job!
B: That's what I was doing, and then before the interview I was delivering one thing.
A: Oh, no, yeah!
B: And then, so, anyway, I was late and in my bag, when I was driving the motorcycle I put my suits and shoes and everything, I've got to wear for the interview and I was in a rush, and I'd been to that building where I had an interview and in front of that building there was a MacDonald and then I rushed into the toilet of that MacDonald that was on the first floor and I think, you know, it was funny if you were looking at me. I was wearing..
A: I can imagine.
B: I was wearing like a driver's suit and when I came out from the toilet I was in a suit, like Superman! And then, yeah, I changed my clothes, very very quickly in the toilet and I rushed into the building for the interview but I was 30 minutes late, and actually I got a great interview with the guys of the broadcast station, but ah, since I was late that was the only and biggest reason I couldn't get that job. Actually, they said that if you were not late I could take you, so it's a funny story, now but at that time I was like so disappointed with myself, (Yeah) I was so stupid. The job was great!
A: I've done that too! I think we all do that at one point. Well!
B: Yeah, I learned a lot of things from that experience.
A: But you got another job with another TV company after that, correct?
B: Mm, it's not a TV company but the same kind of job and it was lucky cause, since I missed the first one I got the second one and that is why I could join to the World Cup.
A: Oh, cool!
B: Yeah, so!
A: It all worked out at the end!
B: Yeah! Fortunately.
面试是整个求职过程中最重要的阶段 ,谈谈你第一次面试的经历
A: Kawabe, can you talk about your first job interview?
B: Sure, first job interview! This is a funny story and that was a time I took the interview, had an interview with the TV broadcaster, and then it was a very famous one in Yotsuya, in Tokyo and that was a very important interview because the job is interesting and there are many, there are so many applicants to the same position so, and the thing is I was late for that interview (No) and I was late for thirty minutes (Ooh) I was really bad, you know, and then the reason is, at that time I was working for, I was a bike rider at a delivery.
A: Oh, you delivered stuff?
B: Bike delivery!
A: Oh, really, what did you deliver?
B: Ah, the documents and you know whatever it is when you want to send somewhere the thing fast!
A: Yeah, yeah, cool job!
B: That's what I was doing, and then before the interview I was delivering one thing.
A: Oh, no, yeah!
B: And then, so, anyway, I was late and in my bag, when I was driving the motorcycle I put my suits and shoes and everything, I've got to wear for the interview and I was in a rush, and I'd been to that building where I had an interview and in front of that building there was a MacDonald and then I rushed into the toilet of that MacDonald that was on the first floor and I think, you know, it was funny if you were looking at me. I was wearing..
A: I can imagine.
B: I was wearing like a driver's suit and when I came out from the toilet I was in a suit, like Superman! And then, yeah, I changed my clothes, very very quickly in the toilet and I rushed into the building for the interview but I was 30 minutes late, and actually I got a great interview with the guys of the broadcast station, but ah, since I was late that was the only and biggest reason I couldn't get that job. Actually, they said that if you were not late I could take you, so it's a funny story, now but at that time I was like so disappointed with myself, (Yeah) I was so stupid. The job was great!
A: I've done that too! I think we all do that at one point. Well!
B: Yeah, I learned a lot of things from that experience.
A: But you got another job with another TV company after that, correct?
B: Mm, it's not a TV company but the same kind of job and it was lucky cause, since I missed the first one I got the second one and that is why I could join to the World Cup.
A: Oh, cool!
B: Yeah, so!
A: It all worked out at the end!
B: Yeah! Fortunately.