你做过的最糟糕的工作是什么?Fort Fun是什么
A: So Steve what's the worst job you've ever had?
B: Ah, let's see. The worst job I've ever had has to be Fort Fun in East Born.
嗯,让我想想。我做过的最糟糕的工作就是在East Born的Fort Fun的工作。
A: What's Fort Fun?
B: Fort Fun is fun for children but it isn't fun for the spotty 16 year olds who have to work there, so some have the good fortune to operate go-carts and other things like that. I had the great fortune to work in the tearoom with an old lady called Brenda.
Fort Fun对孩子们来说是乐趣,但是对在那里工作的有雀斑的16岁孩子来说却不是乐趣,有些人非常幸运可以操作婴儿学步车或类似的东西。而我曾经非常幸运的和一个叫做布兰达的老妇人一起在茶室工作。
A: What was Brenda like?
B: Brenda was basically a witch and she had two offspring which were also going to probably a witch training school, and they'd come around and they'd gossip and, but Brenda would always notice in mid gossip whether I'd, if I'd stirred the tea one revolution too few and then she'd be on me, as it is, so I had to serve ice-creams and scalding hot tea from a spitting tea machine that wasn't working properly from two hatches. One, one looking out onto the beach, and one actually inside Fort Fun (Alright) so inside Fort Fun was bearable, because, and also all of this time you have to bear in mind that I was wearing a cowboy hat and a little cowboy waistcoat with a sheriff's badge on it, and I had two holstered plastic guns which I was advised by the manager to like whip out and pretend to shoot like any young kid that came up there. Anyway, that wasn't so bad, having to suffer that indignity, you know lack of dignity, but when it came to serving from the hatch, from the sea front, where all the surfers would come and get their tea, and obviously that provided great amusement to them, and anyway, to cut a long story short, I lasted about three weeks before deciding fuck it, I'd rather be poor for the summer, then have people going yeah, that's him as I walked out.
布兰达就是个巫婆,她有两个后代,可能也上了巫婆训练学校,他们会过来闲谈,但是布兰达总是会在闲谈时注意到我,看我是不是把茶搅拌得太少了,之后她就会过来,所以我不得不供应冰激凌,还要用制茶机泡热茶,而在两个窗口之间工作并不是很顺利。一个窗口面向海滩,另一个就在Fort Fun里面(好的),在Fort Fun里面的窗口还能应付,在这个时候你要知道,我当时戴着牛仔帽,穿着上面有警徽的牛仔马甲,我有两把放在枪套里的塑料枪,经理建议我要拔出塑料枪假装向出现在那里的小孩子射击。总之,不得不忍受那种羞辱,你知道,缺少尊严,还不算太糟,但是在海边的窗口服务时,所有的冲浪爱好者都会过来喝茶,显然这对他们来说是很享受的消遣活动,不管怎样,长话短说吧,我做了三周的时间,之后我决定离开,我宁愿暑假期间过贫穷的生活,让别人去做,对,那就是我离开之后的那个人。
A: That's the cowboy from Fort Fun?
那就是Fort Fun的牛仔吗?
B: Yeah, that is.
A: Brilliant. Thanks Steven.
B: You're welcome.
你做过的最糟糕的工作是什么?Fort Fun是什么
A: So Steve what's the worst job you've ever had?
B: Ah, let's see. The worst job I've ever had has to be Fort Fun in East Born.
嗯,让我想想。我做过的最糟糕的工作就是在East Born的Fort Fun的工作。
A: What's Fort Fun?
B: Fort Fun is fun for children but it isn't fun for the spotty 16 year olds who have to work there, so some have the good fortune to operate go-carts and other things like that. I had the great fortune to work in the tearoom with an old lady called Brenda.
Fort Fun对孩子们来说是乐趣,但是对在那里工作的有雀斑的16岁孩子来说却不是乐趣,有些人非常幸运可以操作婴儿学步车或类似的东西。而我曾经非常幸运的和一个叫做布兰达的老妇人一起在茶室工作。
A: What was Brenda like?
B: Brenda was basically a witch and she had two offspring which were also going to probably a witch training school, and they'd come around and they'd gossip and, but Brenda would always notice in mid gossip whether I'd, if I'd stirred the tea one revolution too few and then she'd be on me, as it is, so I had to serve ice-creams and scalding hot tea from a spitting tea machine that wasn't working properly from two hatches. One, one looking out onto the beach, and one actually inside Fort Fun (Alright) so inside Fort Fun was bearable, because, and also all of this time you have to bear in mind that I was wearing a cowboy hat and a little cowboy waistcoat with a sheriff's badge on it, and I had two holstered plastic guns which I was advised by the manager to like whip out and pretend to shoot like any young kid that came up there. Anyway, that wasn't so bad, having to suffer that indignity, you know lack of dignity, but when it came to serving from the hatch, from the sea front, where all the surfers would come and get their tea, and obviously that provided great amusement to them, and anyway, to cut a long story short, I lasted about three weeks before deciding fuck it, I'd rather be poor for the summer, then have people going yeah, that's him as I walked out.
布兰达就是个巫婆,她有两个后代,可能也上了巫婆训练学校,他们会过来闲谈,但是布兰达总是会在闲谈时注意到我,看我是不是把茶搅拌得太少了,之后她就会过来,所以我不得不供应冰激凌,还要用制茶机泡热茶,而在两个窗口之间工作并不是很顺利。一个窗口面向海滩,另一个就在Fort Fun里面(好的),在Fort Fun里面的窗口还能应付,在这个时候你要知道,我当时戴着牛仔帽,穿着上面有警徽的牛仔马甲,我有两把放在枪套里的塑料枪,经理建议我要拔出塑料枪假装向出现在那里的小孩子射击。总之,不得不忍受那种羞辱,你知道,缺少尊严,还不算太糟,但是在海边的窗口服务时,所有的冲浪爱好者都会过来喝茶,显然这对他们来说是很享受的消遣活动,不管怎样,长话短说吧,我做了三周的时间,之后我决定离开,我宁愿暑假期间过贫穷的生活,让别人去做,对,那就是我离开之后的那个人。
A: That's the cowboy from Fort Fun?
那就是Fort Fun的牛仔吗?
B: Yeah, that is.
A: Brilliant. Thanks Steven.
B: You're welcome.