A: OK. Jamie, We're going to talk about movies.
B: OK, Great!
A: What is your favorite movie?
B: My favorite movie is kind of a heavy movie. It's a called Sophie's Choice with Merryl Streep and Kevin Cline.
我最喜欢的是沉重题材的电影。它叫做《苏菲的决择》,由Merryl Streep和Kevin Cline主演。
A: OK.
B: It's a, it's a movie, it's set in World War II. Meryll Streep plays a Polish woman who has come to America and she's met a man, Kevin Kline, who has a series of problems of his own, mostly psychological, which she is not 100 percent aware of and she does a bunch of scenes where she thinks of the past and the very difficult decision she had while, during the war, living in Poland, she had to decide between two children, which one would be murdered by the Nazis, and which one wouldn't, and it's an ethical delimma she faced at that time, and she made and immediate decision on, and affected her the rest of her life.
这部电影以二战为背景。女主角是由Meryll Streep扮演一名来到美国的波兰人,在美国她遇到了Kevin Kline扮演的男主角,男主角实际有许多问题,大部分是心理问题,但女主角不完全确定。女主角不断回想起过去经历的一幕幕,包括她的艰难抉择,在战争期间的波兰,她曾经在两个孩子中选择一个被纳粹杀死,一个活下来,当时她陷入了伦理上的两难境地,她马上做出了抉择,但这个抉择影响了她的一生。
A: OK.
B: It's a fantastic movie, not the story in itself, of course the story was brilliant, but the acting, the fact that she speaks Polish, she speaks German, She speaks English with a Polish accent, which is amazing, a writer who is actually a narrator in the movie as well, his character is great. Kevin Kline is a basically a psycho character. He is a little bit deranged in itself is pretty neat. So, all in all, the characters, the plot line, the movie, it's fanatasic.
这是部很棒的电影,不仅是剧情,当然剧情很精彩,演员的表演也十分棒,女主角在剧中说波兰语,德语,带波兰口音的英语,真的很令人惊讶。一名作家,也就是在电影中的叙述人也是如此,他的角色很棒。Kevin Kline扮演的是一名精神病患者,一名穿着整洁但精神错乱的角色。总之,角色,剧情主线,整个电影都很棒。
A: OK. Great. Sophie's Choice.
B: Sophie's Choice. I think it actually won an academy award in 1985 or 84.
A: OK. Great. Thanks a lot.
B: My pleasure.