A: Vivian, you finally came. I had to coo] my heels for you.
B:I'm so sorry, Sara! I had an emergency this afternoon,and I came here as soon as I finished it.
A:It doesn’t matter! I have already copied all of the pictures to the computer, come and see!
B:Ok! What’s the folder name of your pictures?
A: Er...Tower City!
B: Tower City? Are you sure?
A: Of course! The Oxford city is commonly referred to as “Tower City”!
B: Let me guess.. .Is it the reason that there are many towers in the city?
A: Bingo! You are brilliant! There are really a great many towers in Oxford, such as Carfax Tower, Magdalen Great Tower, Founders Tower and Tom Tower. Moreover, a lot of buildings are built with spires, just like Ashmolean Museum.
B: Hum, I see it. What’s the name of the square tower? It’s very special!
A: Tom Tower! It is a bell tower in Christ Church College of the University of Oxford. The bell housed in the tower is named as Great Tom, which is the loudest bell in the whole Oxford. You may find that the tower is named for its bell!
B: Yeah! How big is Great Tom? Do you still remember?
A: Of course! I remember clearly that Great Tom weighs around seven tons. It was not so heavy originally, and only reached seven tons after recasting for many times. It was first recast in 1626 and 1654; then recast three times between 1678 and 1679 to increase its weight from two to over six tons; and finally recast in 1680 to Great Tom. Since then, it has been hung in Tom Tower.
B: Oh, where did it belong to before hung in Tom Tower?
A: It was originally called “Mary”,and belonged to Osney Abbey. In 1545,it was moved to St. Frideswide’s church, and renamed “Tom”.
B: Oh. What is the name of this architecturally splendid building?
A: It is Radcliffe Observatory, which was the astronomical observatory of Oxford University between 1773 and 1934. The 18th century building was modelled after the ancient Tower of the Winds in Athens. The observatory was founded by John Radcliffe, an English physician,so it was named after him. A number of landmark buildings in Oxford were also named after him, including the Radcliffe Camera in Radcliffe Square, the Radcliffe Infirmary, except the Radcliffe Observatory.
这是拉德克里夫天文台,是牛津大学1773年-1934年间的天文台。这个18世纪的建筑物是以雅典古老的风之塔为模型建造的。这个天文台是由一位英格兰内科医生约翰?拉德克里夫修建的,因此以他的名字命名。牛津城还有一些标志性建筑物也是以他的名字命名的,包括拉德克里夫广场的拉德克里夫 图书馆、拉德克里夫医院、拉德克里夫天文台等。
B:John Radcliffe is really a remarkable figure! So what is the Radcliffe Observatory used for at the moment?
A: It is now used by Green Templeton College of the forms a centrepiece for the college. Having come into existence on 1st October 2008, Green Templeton College is the University^ newest college. It is merged from Green College and Templeton College, and is located on the previous Green College site and is centred around the Radcliffe Observation.
B: Owning so many splendid towers, the Oxford city deserves to be called as the “Tower City”!
A: Thafs ture!
A: Vivian, you finally came. I had to coo] my heels for you.
B:I'm so sorry, Sara! I had an emergency this afternoon,and I came here as soon as I finished it.
A:It doesn’t matter! I have already copied all of the pictures to the computer, come and see!
B:Ok! What’s the folder name of your pictures?
A: Er...Tower City!
B: Tower City? Are you sure?
A: Of course! The Oxford city is commonly referred to as “Tower City”!
B: Let me guess.. .Is it the reason that there are many towers in the city?
A: Bingo! You are brilliant! There are really a great many towers in Oxford, such as Carfax Tower, Magdalen Great Tower, Founders Tower and Tom Tower. Moreover, a lot of buildings are built with spires, just like Ashmolean Museum.
B: Hum, I see it. What’s the name of the square tower? It’s very special!
A: Tom Tower! It is a bell tower in Christ Church College of the University of Oxford. The bell housed in the tower is named as Great Tom, which is the loudest bell in the whole Oxford. You may find that the tower is named for its bell!
B: Yeah! How big is Great Tom? Do you still remember?
A: Of course! I remember clearly that Great Tom weighs around seven tons. It was not so heavy originally, and only reached seven tons after recasting for many times. It was first recast in 1626 and 1654; then recast three times between 1678 and 1679 to increase its weight from two to over six tons; and finally recast in 1680 to Great Tom. Since then, it has been hung in Tom Tower.
B: Oh, where did it belong to before hung in Tom Tower?
A: It was originally called “Mary”,and belonged to Osney Abbey. In 1545,it was moved to St. Frideswide’s church, and renamed “Tom”.
B: Oh. What is the name of this architecturally splendid building?
A: It is Radcliffe Observatory, which was the astronomical observatory of Oxford University between 1773 and 1934. The 18th century building was modelled after the ancient Tower of the Winds in Athens. The observatory was founded by John Radcliffe, an English physician,so it was named after him. A number of landmark buildings in Oxford were also named after him, including the Radcliffe Camera in Radcliffe Square, the Radcliffe Infirmary, except the Radcliffe Observatory.
这是拉德克里夫天文台,是牛津大学1773年-1934年间的天文台。这个18世纪的建筑物是以雅典古老的风之塔为模型建造的。这个天文台是由一位英格兰内科医生约翰?拉德克里夫修建的,因此以他的名字命名。牛津城还有一些标志性建筑物也是以他的名字命名的,包括拉德克里夫广场的拉德克里夫 图书馆、拉德克里夫医院、拉德克里夫天文台等。
B:John Radcliffe is really a remarkable figure! So what is the Radcliffe Observatory used for at the moment?
A: It is now used by Green Templeton College of the forms a centrepiece for the college. Having come into existence on 1st October 2008, Green Templeton College is the University^ newest college. It is merged from Green College and Templeton College, and is located on the previous Green College site and is centred around the Radcliffe Observation.
B: Owning so many splendid towers, the Oxford city deserves to be called as the “Tower City”!
A: Thafs ture!