A: Professor Thomson, do you know anything about when the pharaohs lived, in ancient Egypt?
B: As a matter of fact I do. They have a long history, form the Pre-Dynastic period, 5500-3100 BC to the Late Kingdom period, 664-332 BC. Pharaoh is the ancient Egyptian name of king.
A: That is a long history! Too long for my project, I think. What about famous pharaohs?
B: There were certainly many of those. Sneferu was a pharaoh during the Old Kingdom period, he reigned for around 30 years. He is famous because he was the first pharaoh to build pyramids.
有名的法老也有很多。 斯尼夫鲁是古王国时期的法老,统冶王国大约有30年。他有第一个修建金字塔的法老,因此而出名。
A: He’s very important then. Another?
B: OK,next is Khufu, who reigned during the 4 dynasty. He was famous for building The Great Pyramid at Giza, one of the most well-known throughout the world. This pyramid shows us how Khufu was able to lead and co-ordinate his people, who helped him to build the pyramid in exchange for goods and services.
A: Why didn’t he pay them? After all, they were construction workers.
B: At that time, there was no monetary system in Egypt.
A: Oh, I see. OK, who’s next?
B: Amenhotep III is next, he was king during the 18 dynasty and he reigned for almost 40 years. He’s well known for being a prolific builder and a benevolent ruler. He built many splendid temples and statues of himself, but his greatest achievement was the Temple of Amun. It shows a relief which served to establish the legitimacy of his rule by depicting his birth directly form the god Amun.
A: He was king for 40 years you say ? That’s a long reign, he sound like a great king. Are there any more famous pharaohs?
B: Yes, next I will tell you about perhaps the most famous of all the pharaohs. He was known as “The Boy King”. Have you heard this before?
A: Yes, I think so. Was it Tutan … something?
B: Indeed! Tutankhamun, or “King Tut ”, he reigned for a very short time and died in his teens.
A: In his teens, well “The Boy King” is definitely the right name for him, then. Thanks so much for your help, I think my project will be a great success.