A: What's that you are looking at?
B: It's a postcard of The Eiffel Tower, my friend went to France last month.
A: Do you know its history or anything at all about it?
B: I'm sorry to say. I only know the history written on the back of this postcard.
A: Well, I was born in France and I can tell you anything you need to know.
B: Well, that's great. When was it built? It looks like a modem building.
A: The Eiffel Tower was built for the International Exhibition of Paris of 1889 commemorating the centenary of the French Revolution
B: So it has a big political idea, French folks feel the Eiffel Tower made them free?
A: Yes, but they invited the Prince of Wales, later King Edward V[I of England, co attend the ceremony. Of the 700 proposals submitted in a deS1gn competition. Gustave Eiffel's was unanimously chosen.
B: But, it's also pretty to look at! I think that he was a man of viS1on and ahead of his time.
A: Yes, I agree! Eiffel was an excellent deS1gner and the perfect choice for a project so large. However it was not accepted by all at first, and a petition of300 names-including those of Maupassant, Emile Zola, Charles Gamier who was an architect of the Opera Gamier, and Dumas the Younger-protested its construction.
B: But why? Didn't they think he was good enough?
A: Oh, I think they all thought he was a good architect but they saw the Tower as "useless and monstrous".
哦,我认为他们都公认他是个优秀的建筑师,但这座塔常被嘲笑为“毫无用处”和 “怪异丑陋”。
B: I think the construction of the Eiffel Tower is important for all French people.
A: Also, during its lifetime, the Eiffel Tower has also witnessed a few strange scenes, including being scaled by a mountaineer in 1954, and parachuted off in 1984 by two Englishmen .
B: Oh yes, and I read that in 1923 a journalist rode a bicycle down from the first level. Some accounts say he rode down the stairs, other accounts suggest the exterior of one of the tower's four legs which slope outward.
A: Well, whatever he did, he must have been crazy ! Anyway, the Eiffel Tower doesn't have a really long history, but it's an interesting one.