A: It's nice to see you in the library doing some reading, what are you looking at?
B: I'm reading about America and Uncle Sam Before I started this book I thought that Uncle Sain was a real person, perhaps the uncle of a president or something.
A: He is a popular U. S. symbol, usually seen in cartoons. He has long white hair, a beard and very interesting clothing.
B: Yes, he wears a swallow-tailed coat, a waistcoat, tall hat with a star, and striped trousers. Just like the American flag.
A: But do you know his appearance came from two other symbols in American folklore?
B: I know that, Brother Jonathan and Yankee Doodle. The name "Uncle Sam" was often used to describe the American government.
A: Very good But do you know when this started and why?
B: It was in 1812, during the war. They said "Uncle Sam" because of the letters U. S. on the soldiers' uniforms.
A: That's right. But some people also say that the name came from Samuel Wilson, of Troy, N. Y. Wilson, whose nickname was Uncle Sam, was an inspector of army supplies
B: Oh, because the army supply boxes also had U. S. printed on them* So he could have been a real person after all.
A: One story must be true, but I'm not sure which. Do you know what was the most well-known poster of Uncle Sam?
B: I think it was from the First World War. They used Uncle Sam., pointing a finger at the American people saying "We want YOU!" to encourage men to sign-up and become soldiers.
A: And a very effective advertising campaign it was too. Many young men signed up to fight for their country because of that poster.
B: I think that poster is perhaps the most famous American poster ever. Even more than the Hollywood movie posters you see outside cinemas.
A: I think you're right. In 1961 the American congress adopted Uncle Sam as the national symbol.
B: So nowadays Uncle Sam isn't just about war, like in the poster, he's the true symbol of the American people. I think it's special to have a cartoon as a national symbol, very different.