It's an odd thing to look back on the world, to watch those I left behind. Each in her own way so brave so determined, and so very desperate. Desperate to venture out, but afraid of what she'll miss when she goes. Desperate to get everything she wants, even when she is not exactly sure of what that is. Desperate for life to be perfect again, although she realizes it never really was. Desperate for a better future, if she can find a way to escape her past. I am not only watch; I cheer them on, these amazing women. I hope so much that they'll find what they're looking for, but I know not all them will. Sadly… that’s just not the way life works, not everyone gets a happy ending. 回头看身后的世界和生前好友这种感觉很奇妙。她们都以自己的方式活着,那么勇敢,那么果断,充满着渴望。有的人渴望去冒险,又怕离开后会想念。有的人渴望得到一切,尽管她并不确定到底想要什么。有的人渴望重新得到完美的人生,即使她的生活从来就没有完美过。有的人渴望得到美好的未来,但她必须先想办法逃避过去。我并不只是看着她们,我也在为这些了不起的女人加油助威。我衷心希望她们能找到她们追求的东西,但我知道并不是所有人都能如愿。悲哀的是,这就是生活,并不是每个人都有快乐结局。