11. By law, when one makes a large purchase, he should have ___ opportunity to change his mind.
A. accurate B. urgent C. excessive D. adequate
purchase 购买
chase 追求
forget-me-not 勿忘我
go after 追求,追逐
appointment 约会,任命
pick up 追求
dump 甩掉,抛弃,倾倒
accurate 精确的
cure 治愈
curious 好奇的
curiosity 好奇心
secure 安全的
excessive 过度的,过分的
access 接近
incessant 永不停息的,不断的,不停的
process 前进,加工
success 成功
adequate 足够的
adult 成年人
adultery 通奸
shame 羞愧
ambition 雄心勃勃的,野心的
evident 明显的, 显著的
clash 撞击
crash (飞机)坠毁
smash 粉碎,击碎
ash 废墟,灰烬
abash 使羞愧
ashamed 羞愧
cash 现金
brief 简洁的
grief 悲伤
relief 缓解,减轻
12. My camera can be ______ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny condition.
A. treated B. adjusted C. adopted D. remedied
treat 对待
ill-treated 虐待
treat on me 我付钱
remedy 治疗疾病的良方,成功解决问题的方法
solution 解答方式,解决方法
The problem defies solution 这个问题很难解决
recipe 菜谱,秘诀,处方
ambiguous 模糊的,模棱两可的
13. His argument does not suggest that mankind can _____ to be wasteful in the utilization of these resources.
A.resort B. grant C. afford D. entitle
afford 负担,承担
resort (to) v.诉诸于,求助于 n.度假胜地
grant 同意,补助,津贴
TA. 助教
RA. 助研
entitle 取名,授权
enrich 使富足
enlarge 扩大
strengthen 加强,巩固
entitle sb to sth 授权
moron 低能者
idiot 白痴
mountebank ************骗子,************术士
bullshit 胡说
ass 笨人
14. What were your _______ wages last year?
A. entire B. aggregate C. complete D. terse
aggregate 合计,总计
congregate 集合
complete 完全的
deplete 耗尽,弄空
complement 补偿,弥补,补充
compliment 赞美,称赞
supplement 补充,弥补
replenish 补充
terse 简洁的
concise 简洁的,简明的
precise 精确的
excise 切除,切掉
15. I should like to rent a house, modern comfortable and ______ in a quiet neighborhood.
A. all in all B. above all C. after all D. over all
[above all]
above all 首先,尤其是
[/above all]
[all in all]
all in all 总之一切,总的来说
[/all in all]
[after all]
after all 毕竟,终究(有轻微的转折关系)
[/after all]
[over all]
over all 总的,遍及
overall 工作服
[/over all]
16. Most people who travel in the course of their work are given traveling _____.
A. income B. allowance C. wages D. pay
wage n.周工资
allowance 津贴,补助,许可
pay v.付款,n.工资
17. Professor Smith and Professor Brown will ____ in giving the class lectures.
A. alter B. change C. alternate D. differ
alter 改变(把某物改大改小)
change 改变(强调结果)
from...to... 差异
convert 转变(信仰)
converter 叛教者
differ 不同
differ from 不同
fetch 取来
ferryboat 渡船
conifer 针叶树
cone 圆锥形,松果
conference (一般性)会议
meeting 会议(口语)
convention 国际大会,风俗习惯
adventure 冒险
summit 高峰,顶点,峰会 (七国首脑会议)
forum 论坛
seminar 学术研讨会
alternate adj.轮流的,v.轮流
A.C.:A.lternating C.urrent 交流电
alternative adj.二者择一的,n. 二中择一,其他的
at an alternative 作为另一个选择
18. When traveling, you are advised to take traveler’s checks, which provide a secure____ to carrying your money in cash.
A. substitute B. selection C. preference D. alternative
substitute (for) 替代
substitution 保险代理人,替代品
constitute 构成,组成
constitution 宪法
amendment 修正案
amend 修正,(法律文件的小修小改)
institute 学院
institution 机构
rectify 修改,矫正 (缺点,错误,文稿)
classify 分类
verify 证实,核实
selection 选择
select 选择
collect 收集
elect 选举
neglect 忽略,忽视
disabled 残疾的,伤残的
the disabled 残疾人
weakness 弱点
weak point 弱点,(心理或身体上的残疾)
preference (to) 喜好,爱好
19. Fortune-tellers are good at making ______ statement such as“ Your sorrows will change”.
A. philosophical B. ambiguous C. literal D. invalid
sorrow 痛苦,悲哀
sob 哭泣
philosophical 哲学的
sophomore 大学二年级学生
moron 低能者
freshman 大学一年级学生
idiot 白痴
ambiguous 模棱两可的,似是而非的,模糊的
ambience 环境
literal 照字面的,逐字逐句的
eggplant 茄子
invalid 无效的,病弱的,有病的
feeble 脆弱的,易受伤害的
weak 虚弱的
frail 脆弱的,易受伤害的
flail 打(谷子)
20. The school master _____ the girl's bravery in is opening speech.
A. applauded B. enhanced C. elevated D. tantalized
applaud 拍手喝彩
appease 抚平,安抚,使平静
enhance 提高(价格,声望)
consolidate 巩固,加强 (社会地位,权力等)
solid 固体
strengthen 巩固,加强
intensify 加强,加剧
go off 爆炸
take off 起飞,脱衣
keep off 远离
lay off 解雇
intensive 集中的,强化的,仔细的,深入的
elevate 提高
elevator 电梯
heave 举起,提升
heavy 重的
hoist 升旗,扬帆,起航,举重物
tantalize 逗弄
tantalus 致命的诱惑
tantalizing 诱人的
tantalizing smell 诱人的气味