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    用英语说中国名校 南开大学  双语

    Nankai University


    General Information


    Akey multidisciplinary university directly under the jurisdiction of the
    Ministry of Education.


    Nankai University was founded in 1919 by the famous patriotic educators
    inChinese Modern History,Mr. Zhang Boling and Mr. Yan Xiu. During the war of
    Resistance against Japan,Nankai University,Peking University(Beijng
    University)and Tsinghua University(Qinghua University)united in Kunming to be
    the renowned Southwest Associated University. It was compared to be“The North
    Star of Higher Learning”.In accordance with its motto of“Dedication to the
    public interests,acquisition of all-round capability and aspiration for progress
    with each passing day”,the University has produced batches of prominent talents.On
    December 25th 2000,the State Ministry of Education signed an agreement with
    Tian-jin Municipal Government on jointly establishing and developing Nankai
    University.Since then,Nankai University has been listed among universities being
    attached great importance to developing in the 21 st century.


    Nankai University now occupies an area of 1 480 000 square meters with a
    floor space up to 1 040 000 square meters. The total collection of the
    university library reaches over 3140 000 volumes. Besides its main campus
    located in Balitai,Nankai University also has campuses in Yingshui Road,TEDA
    College in Tian}in Economic Development Area,Financial Engineering College in
    the city of Shenzhen and a Graduate School in Yunnan Province,which reasonably
    form a multi-campuses pattern for comprehensive development.


    Nankai University is considered a comprehensive research-oriented university
    with a complete curriculum,The University believes in the equal importance of
    the sciences and the liberal arts laying a strong foundation with practical and
    creative characteristics. The University has 21 faculties,including a Graduate
    School,China APEC Institute,School for Continuing Education,Advanced Vocational
    School and Modern Distance Education School. Nankai University offers 71
    undergraduate specialties,202 Master's programs,117 Doctoral programs,16
    Doctoral programs at the first-level,17 Post-Doctoral research stations and 18
    authorized basic specialties. Besides,there are 18 national key specialties 22
    provincial and municipal key specialties,1 national key lab,14 provincial and
    municipal key labs 1 national engineering center,8 national bases for basic
    science research and talents cultivation and 1 base for cultural quality
    education and 6 key research bases for humanities social sciences


    Nankai University has a well-balanced faculty teaming equipped with excellent
    academic capability and in age and specialties,creative spirit. Among the 1614
    faculties,there are 470 doctoral supervisors,578 full professors and 619 as
    sociate professors,8 academicians of Chinese Academy of Science and the Chinese
    Academy of Engineering,3 academicians of The 3 rd World Academy of Science, 10
    members of the Subject Assessment Division,Degree Appraisal Committee of the
    State Council,14 nationally accredited experts with outstanding contributions,18
    professors invited on“Cheungkong Scholars Program”,7 lectureprofessor
    invitedon“Cheungkong Scholars Program”,5 specially invited professors by Tianjin
    municipality,23 recipients of National Outstanding Youth Foundation,12
    recipients of Excellent Young Teachers Prize by the Ministry of Education,14
    teachers selected by national“Millions of talents program 59 recipients of Cross
    Century Talents Foundation under the Ministry of Education and 2 teachers
    awarded the honor of“Outstanding College Lecturers"

    南开大学具备培养学士、硕士、博士和博士后的完整教育体系。现有各类学生35692人,其中本科生12 707人,硕上研究生7 112人博士研究生2530人,留学生1085人,成人教育学生5324人,远程教育学生6934人

    Nankai University has a complete education system for producing
    undergraduates,postgraduates on master's and doctoral programs and post-doctoral
    researchers. Currently,the university has the total enrollments of 35 692
    students in cfuding 12 707 undergraduate students,7,112 master's candidates.2
    530 doctoral candidates 1085 foreign students,5324 students of adult education
    and 5324 students on distance education program.


    Nankai University is known for the aspiring spirits,attaching great
    importance to the students' all-round development in moral,intelligence,physical
    education and esthetics. It has created rich,elegant,dynamic cmd aspiring campus
    culture for the students to develop in healthy ways. As a result,being equipped
    with strong basic knowledge,all round capability,creativity and practical
    ability,graduates from Nankai University are extraordinarily popular with
    employers from all fields


    Glorious hlistory


    1919 Nankai University was founded.


    1937 Nankai UniversPty,Peking University and Tsinghua University united to
    form Changsha Temporary University.


    1938 Changsha Temporary University moved to Kunming to be the renowned
    Southwest Associated University.


    1946 Nankai University moved back to Tianjin and was renowned public


    1952 A nationwide restructuring of institutes of higher education was
    initiated, and Nankai University,originally a university of
    multi-disciplines,changed into a comprehensive university of liberal arcs and
    sciences only.


    1994 Tianjin Institute of Foreign Trade merged into Nankai University.

      上一篇:“211工程”大学名录 下一篇:用英语说中国名校:中国人民大学(双语)

