General Information 基本概况
Wuhan University of Technology(WUT ) is a key institution under the direst administration of the Ministry of Education by the authority of the State Council. WUT is now included in the State“Project 211”.WUT has eight major disciplines,with engineering being the mainstay and natural sciences its foundation. The eight disciplines are combined with one another to include natural sciences,engineering,humanities,economics,management,law, philosophy and education.
WUT is located in Hubei Province's capital Wuhan known as "the thoroughfare leading to nine provinces".The total area of campus is 314 hectares. WUT has a building floorage of 1 .1 million square meters and it possesses four libraries with a stock of 3. 25 million books.
The staff of 6 500 includes 2 903 academic faculty members,within which there are over 1 750 individuals with senior academic or professional titles. Of these professionals,499 are professors,2 are academicians of China Academy of Engineering and 3 are academicians of China Academy of Sciences. There are also 3 special professors of“Cheungkong Scholars Program",3 of“Chutian Scholars Program”,77 experts of state,province and ministries,198 recipients of special subsidies from the central government.
学校有在职教职工6 500人,其中专任教师2 903人,1 750人具有高级职称。专任教师中,教授499人,院士5人(含双聘4人),长江学者3人,楚天学者3人,国家、省部级专家77人,享受政府特殊津贴198人。
The total enrollment of WUT is 37 658 students with 11 584 postgraduates included,which ranks among the fourth largest in China,and 151 overseas students.
学校有全日制普通本科在校生37 658人,有博士、硕士研究生11 548人(规模居全国高校第四位),有外国留学生151人。
The university is authorized to confer 77 bachelor's degree programs as majoys,130 Master's degree programs,9 first-category Ph. D. degree programs,60 Ph. D. degree programs and 3 post-doctoral mobile stations for scientific research. There are 3 national key disciplines,29 ministerial or provincial key disciplines,one national key laboratory, one national key industrial testing base,16 ministerial or provincial key labs and engineering research centers in the university.
The principle all the staff members of WUT will act on is“basing themselves on educating people;putting academic learning above everything else".The model being explored for running the university is seeking support by better service;strining for development by more contribution;building the university by joint efforts of the production,education and research units. The objective the university will attain is to develop it into a first-class one as a whole nationally and parts of its disciplines into excellent ones internationally. All the staff of WUT in the light of the university spirit of being united,rigorous,realistic and innovative will seize every opportunity to make greater contributions to the education and science of China and the world.
Glorious History 历史变迁
1948 Wuhan University of Technology was founded.
2000 The new Wuhan University of Technology was established with the three predecessors of the former Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan Transportation University,and Wuhan Automotive Polytechnic University.