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    基本概况 Genera information


    Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT) founded in 1958 is a state key university affiliated to the Ministry of Education and is also one of the first group of universities admitted to“Project 211” As a result of the development in the past 48 years,BUCT has developed from an nstitution of scientific specialties to a comprehensive university with a solid foundation in science,great strength in engineering and full of characteristics in liberal arts,law,management and economics.

    学校占地面积64 . 4公顷,由3个校区组成,主校区位于北京北三环东路,亚运村东南,交通便利环境幽静,景色迷人;西校区占有地理位置优势,坐落丁几西三环中部,香格里拉饭店附近;北校区在昌平区内,临近著名的十三陵风景区。

    The university,covering an area of 64.4 hectares,is composed of three campuses .The main campus is conveniently located on the eastern section of the North Third Ring Road,southeast of the Asian Games Village,with a quiet and attractive environment The west campus near the Shangri-La Hotel enjoys an advantageous location on the central section of the West Third Ring Road,and the north campus is in Changping District near the Ming Tombs,a famous scenic spot.


    BUCT consists of 10 Schools-Chemical Engineering,Materials Science and Engineering,Mechanical and Electrical,Information Science and Technology,Economic Management,Science,Humanities and Law,Life Science and Technology,Further Education,and Vocational Education. More than 1 800 staff members are workina on campus including 7 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of engineering Sciences,and over 600 full and associate professors a great number of special of“

    Cheungkong Scholars rogram middle-age experts with outstanding contributions at the national level,recipients of state outstanding youth funds.There are 3 Postdoctoral Programs,24 Ph.D. specialties,50 Master Programs and 41 Bachelor program specialties offered in the university.


    Around 20000 students are currently studying at BUCT including more than 3 700 for Master's or Doctoral degrees 11200 undergraduates,nearly 1 000 vocational students and over a hundred overseas students. BUCT has paid great attention to scientific research and has a number of scientific research institutes with great strength,namely 1 national engineering and technology research center,4 ministry level key laboratories,3 ministry-level engineering and technology centers.

    图书馆拥有三座馆舍:逸夫图书馆、荣茂图书馆和北区图书馆,形成了以化学化工为主要特色的馆藏文献体系,总藏量达130万余册。图书馆订有2200余种期刊、200余种报纸。总面积达26 600多平方米,阅览座位3 200席。开馆时间达到90小时,电子书刊实现全天候24小时的服务。

    The Library consists of three parts-the Yi Fu branch,the Rong Mao branch and the northern campus branch-and possesses 1 300 000 books and periodicals with an emphasis on chemistry and the chemical industry. The library subscribes to over 2200 periodicals and 200 newspapers. The total area of the library is 26600 square meters with more than 3 200 seats for readers. It is open for 90 hours per week. Electronic documents in the Library can be accessed by readers 24 hours a day


    .In the new century,BUCT will continuously focus on training qualified personnel who not only have extensive knowledge,but also have a great sense of social responsibility. It is our aim to ensure that our students possess advanced knowledge with first-rate personal qualities and a sense of social responsibility. At the same tame the university will strengthen cooperation with other universities and arganizations at home and abroad in order to promote the all-round development of BUCT.

    历史变迁 Glorious History


    1958 Beijing College of Chemical Technology,the predecessor of Beijing Universify of Chemical Technology,was founded.


    1964 Beijing College of Chemical Technology was listed into a state key university.


    1972 Beijing Chemical Fibre Academy merged into BCCT


    1978 Beijing Chemical Fibre Academy departed from BCCT.


    1994 The name of Beijing College of Chemical Technology was changed into Beijing University of Chemical Technology.


    1996 Administration Cadre College of Chemical Technology merged into BUCT.


    1998 BUCT was transferred to the Ministry of Education

      上一篇:用英语说中国名校:北京科技大学(双语) 下一篇:用英语说中国名校:北京邮电大学(双语)


