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    基本概况 General information


    shanghai Jiaotong University(SJTU),directly subordinate to the Ministry of Education,is a icey university in China,jointly run by the Ministry and Shanghai Municipality.Shanghai Jiaotong University,formerly the Nan Yang Public School,was founded in 1896 by Mr. Sheng Xuanhuai. it is one of the oldest universifies in China.The University,through its century-long history,has nurtured large numbers of outstanding figures and made signifiicant contributions to the thriving and prosperity of the nation and the development of science and technology.


    Its famous alumniinclude Jiang Zemin,Lu Dingyi,Wang Daohan,Qian Xuesen,Wu Wenjun,ZouTaofen,Mao Yisheng,Cai Er,Huang Yanpei,Shao Lizi,Wang An and so on.Of all the academicians of China's Academy of Sciences and Academy of Engineering,more than 200 are the alumni of Jiao Tong University.

    上海交通大学校园风景秀丽,.彗地总面积200多公顷。学校图书馆由徐汇校区包兆龙图书馆、阂行校区包玉刚图书馆、和七宝校区图书馆组成,总面积54400平方米,阅览座位4 997座;至2005年年底,馆藏文献333万余册(件)外文科技类现刊6 000余种,53万册电子图书,外文电子期刊近11 000种,中文电子期刊17000余种。

    SJTU has beautiful campuses,occupying an area of more than 200 hectares in total.The university's library system now consists of three parts:Pao Sui-Long on Xu Hui Campus,Pao Yue-Kong on Min Hang Campus and Library on Qi Bao Campus with a total addition of over 54 400 square meters of space and more than 4997 reading seats. The total collection reaches to 3.33 million volumes,over 6000 kinds of Chinese and foreign languages current periodicals,S30 000 E-books,nearly 11 000 full-text E-journal titles of foreign languages and more than 17 000 of Chinese.

    目前学校有20个学院、2个直属系和12个附属医院。有一级学科博士学位授权点22个,二级学科博士授权点143个,硕士授权点179个,博士后流动站23个,国家重点学科22个,国家重点实验室6个,国家工程研究中心4个,国家技术转移中心一个,世界卫生组织合作中心2个。学校现有专任教师2 800余名,其中中国科学院院士15人、工程院院士20人,"973"首席科学家7人,国家“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授31人、讲座教授4人,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者33人;有博士学位的教师占50%。

    Today SJTU boasts 20 academic schools,2 directly affiliated departments and 12 affiliated hospitals. It offers 22 doctoral programs at the first-level,143 doctoral programs at the second-level,179 master's programs and 23 post-doctoral research stations. What is more,there are 22 state key disciplines,6 state key laboratories,4 national engineering and research centers,1 national technology transfer center and 2 cooperation centers of World Health Organization.SJTU has a total of 2 800 fatuity members,including 15 academicians rrf Chinese Academy of Sciences,20 academicians of Chinese Academy of Engineering,7 chief scientists of“973 Project" 31 specially-invited professors of“Cheungkong Scholars Program”,lecture professors of“Cheungkong Scholars Program”and 33 recipients of National Outstanding Youth Foundation.50 percent of the teaching staff has obtained doctoral degrees.

    现有全日制在校学生约3 8 000人,其中本科生18 000余人,硕博研究生18 100多人,留学生2 000人。上海交通大学的发展目标是建成一所综合性、研究型、国际化的世界知名高水平大学,进而建成世界一流大学。

    Its total enrollment of full-time students amounts to 38 000. There are 18 000 undergraduates,18 100 candidates for Master's Degree and Doctor's Degree and 2 000 overseas students In the new century,SJl"U has formulated a g;and blueprint for future development and is determined to make continued efforts to build itself into a first class research-oriented comprehensive university in the world

    历史变迁 glorious History


    1896一1904 Nan Yang Public School


    1905一1906 Imperial Polytechnic College of the Commerce Ministry.


    1906一1911 Shanghai Industrial College of the Ministry of Posts and Telegraphs


    1911一1912 Nan Yang College.


    1912一1921 Government Institute of Technology of the Communications Ministry.


    1921一1922 Nan Yang College of Chiao Tung.


    1922一1927 Nan Yang University of the Communications Ministry.


    1927一1928 First Chiao Tung University of the Communications Ministry.


    1928一1942 National Chiao Tung University Main Campus in Shanghai.


    1942一1946 National Chiao Tung University(Main Campus in Chong Qi


    1946一1949 National Chiao Tung University


    1949一1957 Jiaotong University.


    1957一1959 Jiaotong University(Shanghai Campus).


    1959一now Shanghai Jiaotong University.

      上一篇:用英语说中国名校:同济大学(双语) 下一篇:2018高考英语备考 如何才能拿高分!


