例135 Indeed, only if we take note of what enabled man to survive against every conceivable hardship and danger, and what allowed him to adjust to the most drastic changes in his environment which finished many species less adaptable than himself, we will see that it was his instinct for cooperation.
【结构分析】这句话条件句是only if we take note of...,里面套上两个并列宾语从句,第一个宾语从句是what enabled man to survive against every conceivable hardship and danger,第二个宾语从句是what allowed him to adjust to the most drastic changes in his environment...,后面套上定语从句which finished many species...,后面套上比较级短语less adaptable than himself做定语,主干是we will see that it was his instinct for cooperation。
take note of 观察
survive against 应对
every conceivable hardship and danger 每次可以想象到的困难和风险
adjust to 适应
the most drastic changes 最艰险的变化
finished many species 灭亡很多物种
adaptable 有适应能力的
instinct for cooperation 合作的本性