例175 The increase in the number of married women employed outside the home had less to do with the mechanization and convenience of the housework and an increase in spare time for these women than with their own unavoidable economic requirements and with high marriage rates that decrease the available number of single women workers.
【结构分析】这句话是典型的less...than...,表示不是……而是……,主语是The increase,后面加上介词短语in the number of married women,修饰前面的主语,再加上分词定语employed outside the home,修饰前面的名词,动词是had to do with,其中最难的是宾语,than前面的宾语是两个,分别是the mechanization and convenience of the housework和an increase in spare time for these women, than后面的宾语也是两个,分别是their own unavoidable economic requirements和high marriage rates...,最后这个宾语后面还有定语从句that decrease the available number of single women workers。
【亮点回放】此句话的亮点在于字数多,信息点杂,less...than...,表示不是……而是……,否定前面,强调后面,比如I am less a teacher than a scholar(我不是老师,而是学者),而且宾语很复杂,四个大宾语,很有气势。
had to do with 取决于
mechanization 自动化
spare time 休息时间
unavoidable economic requirements 不可避免的经济需求