教程:英语四级词汇  浏览:4464  
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    44. After _A_ for the job, you will be required to take a language test.

    A being interviewed B interviewed C interviewing D having interviewed

    They lose their health to make money, and they lose their money to restore health.

    48. _C_ she first heard of the man referred to as a specialist. [专家]

    A That was from Stephen B It was Stephen whom

    C It was from Stephen that D It was Stephen that

    本题重点是强调句式; 当被强调部分指人且在句子中作宾语时,其余部分可用whom引导;

    49. If these shoes are too big, ask the clerk to bring you a smaller _D_.

    A suit B set C one D pair

    50. Many new _A_ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.

    A opportunities B necessities C realities D probabilities

    51. He must have had an accident, or he _A_ then.

    A would have been here B had to be here C should be here D would be here

    must have + 过去分词 表示对过去行为的肯定推测;

    与过去事态相反用:情态动词 + have + 过去分词 来体现虚拟语气;

    must 一定,必须; needn’t, don’t have to 不必;

    53. You _A_ all those calculations! We have a computer to do that sort of thing.

    A needn’t have done B must not have done

    C shouldn’t have done D can not have done

    should have + 过去分词 本应该,本应当; shouldn’t have done本不应该,本不应当;

    44. It was very kind of you to do the washing-up, but you _D_ it.

    A mustn’t have done B wouldn’t have done

    C mightn’t have done D didn’t have to do

    52. It was essential that the applications forms _C_ back before the deadline.

    A must be sent B would be sent C be sent D were sent

    It be essential that 后面一定用虚拟语气,且句子谓语动词固定为(should) + 动词原型;

    It was essential that the applications forms send back before the deadline.

    53. We _D_ our breakfast when an old man came to the door.

    A just have had B have just had C just had D had just had

    when 还可以表示①刚。。就… (有动作先后关系)、②恰在此时;

    44. I had just started back for the house to change my clothes _D_ I heard voices.

    A as B while C after D when

    45. I felt somewhat disappointed and was about to leave, _C_ something occurred which attracted my attention.

    A unless B until C when D while

    64. It was essential that these application forms _D_ back as early as possible.

    A must be sent B will be sent C are sent D be sent

      上一篇:570个四级高频词汇二 下一篇:2012年6月英语四级词汇笔记完整版(七)

