1. [词根辨识]
2. [望文生义]根据已学词缀和词根的知识推测下列单词的词义。
① counterclaim v.
② unreclaimed a.
3. [同义相连]将左栏的单词和右栏中相对应的词义连接起来。
① declamatory a.欢呼的
② proclamatory b.惊叹的
③ exclamatory c.雄辩的
④ acclamatory d.宣言的
⑤ clamorous e.喧闹的
4. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。
① claimant n.提出要求者
② clamant a.喧嚷的;吵闹的
③ quitclaim n.放弃要求(权利)
17. clud, clus [L]=to shut or close关闭
clud和clus是一对同源异形根,词源是拉丁动词claudere,意思相当于to shut(关闭)。clud来自不定式词干claud,常见于英语动词;clus来自动名词词干claus,多见于相应的名词和形容词。
conclude [con-(com-)=thoroughly完全地;clud=to shut关闭;-e→“to shut off thoroughly so as to bring to an end完全关闭,使之结束”→] v.① finish结束:She concluded her speech.她结束了发言。② settle or decide决定;断定:The judge concluded that he was guilty.法官判定他有罪。
conclusion [conclude 的对应名词:conclus=to conclude 结束,决定;-ion n.=the act or result表行为或结果→“the act or result of concluding结束,决定的行为或结果”→] n.① end结束;结局:to come to a conclusion告终②final outcome or decision结论:to draw a conclusion from facts从事实得出结论
conclusive [conclude的对应形容词:conclus=to conclude结束,决定;-ive a.=characterized by有……特点的→“characterized by concluding带有结束或结论特点的”→] a.① final最后的:conclusive decision最后的决定② convincing确定性的:conclusive evidence确凿的证据③ decisive结论性的:a conclusive ruling by the judge法官的裁决
include [in-=in内;clud=to shut关闭;-e→“to shut in关闭在内”→] v.① contain, or enclose包含;包住:The nutshell includes the kernel.果壳包住果仁。② comprise as a part包括:The freight is included.运费包括在内。
▽includable [includ(e);-able a.] a.可包括在内的
inclusive [in-;clus;-ive a.] a.包围住的;包括的
exclude [ex-=out外;clud=to shut关闭;-e→“to shut out关在外面”] v.① keep from entering;bar排除在外;排斥:The club excluded him from membership.俱乐部拒绝吸收他。② expel逐出:An officer was excluded from his position.一个官员被撤职了。
▽excludable [exclud(e);-able a.] a.可除外的
exclusive [ex-;clus;-ive a.] a.排他的;唯一的
preclude [pre-=beforehand 事先;clud=to shut 关闭;-e→“to shut beforehand in order to keep out事先关闭不让进入”→] v.① prevent免除,预防:She explained it in detail so as to preclude all doubts.她对此详加说明,以免产生各种疑虑。② make impracticable阻碍:A prior engagement will preclude me from coming.另有约会在先,我无法前来。
▽preclusive [pre-;clus;-ive a.] a.预防性的;妨碍的
seclude [se-=apart分离;clud=to shut关闭;-e→“to shut oneself apart from others自我关闭,与他人隔离”→] v. shut off from association or influence outside隐居:He almost secludes himself from the society.他几乎与世隔绝。
▽seclusive [se-;clus;-ive a.] a.隐居性的;爱隐居的
occlude [oc-(ob-)=against对抗;clud=to shut关闭;-e→“to shut against going through关住不让通过”→] v. stop up, or obstruct堵塞;闭塞:His imagination was occluded by something.某件事情阻断了他的思路。
▽occlusive [oc-;clus;-ive a.] a.闭塞的
recluse [re-=back退;clus=to shut关闭;-e→“being shut back or away(from active social life)被关在世外的,退居世外的”→] I. a. retired;secluded退居林下的;隐居的:a recluse monk隐居的和尚→Ⅱn. one who lives in a recluse way隐居者
▽reclusion [re-;clus;-ion n.] n.隐居;遁世
reclusive [re-;clus;-ive a.] a.隐居的;遁世的