1. [举一反三]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。
exclusion n.排斥;排外→① exclusionary a.
→② exclusionism n.
→③ exclusionist n.
2. [由此及彼]根据已知词义求出未知词义。
已知:conclusive a.最后的;决定性的
求:inconclusive 的词义
3. [同义相连]将左栏中的单词和右栏中相对应的词义连接起来。
① preclusion a.包括;包含
② seclusion b.排除;排斥
③ inclusion c.预防;消除
④ occlusion d.隔离;隐居
⑤ exclusion e.闭塞;堵塞
4. [节外生枝] claus和clos都是clus的异体。分析下列单词的含义。
① clause n.条款;从句
clausal a.从句的
② close v.关闭
closet n.私室
③ disclose v.揭发;泄露
disclosure n.揭发;泄露
④ enclose v.围住;封入
enclosure n.围绕;封入物
⑤ exclosure n.有栅栏的围地
18. cord [L]=heart心
accord [ac-(ad-)=towards向;cord=heart心→“a heart towards another heart 心心相向”→] I n. agreement, or harmony 一致;和谐:Our opinions are in accord.我们的意见一致。→Ⅱv. be of one heart, or agree与……一致:His opinions accord with mine.他与我观点一致。
▽accordance [accord;-ance n.] n.一致
accordant [accord;-ant a.] a.一致的
according (to) [accord;-ing a.] a.与……一致的;根据……
concord [con-(com-)=together共同;cord=heart心→“a heart together with another 心心与共”→] n. the state of having the same heart, or agreement, or harmony 同心;一致;和谐:The old couple live in concord.这对老夫妻相亲相爱。
▽concordance [corcord;-ance n.] n.和谐;一致
concordant [concord;-ant a.] a.和谐的;一致的
discord [dis-=apart离;cord=heart心→“a heart apart from another心心相离”→] I n. disagreement, or opposition of views不一致;不和:The couple split up after years of discord.吵了几年,这对夫妻分手了。→Ⅱv. disagree, or quarrel 不和;争吵:They often discord with each other.他们经常闹矛盾。
▽discordance [discord;-ance n.] n.不和;争吵
discordant [discord;-ant a.] a.不和的;争吵的
record [re-=back回;cord=heart心→“back in the heart回到心里”→“to put in the heart again, as by writing it down 记下来以便回忆”→] I v. write down in permanent form记录,记载:A great event like this should be recorded.这样的大事应该记录下来。→Ⅱn. recorded permanent account记录,记载:original records原始记录材料
▽recordable [record;-able a.] a.可记录的
recorder [record;-er n.] n.录音机;记录员
recordist [record;-ist n.] n.录音员
cordial [cord=heart心;-i-; -al a.=pertaining to……的→“pertaining to one's heart内心的”→] a. hearty or sincere衷心的;诚心的:cordial congratulations衷心的祝贺
▽cordiality [cordial;-ity n.] n.热诚,诚心
cordiform [cord=heart心;-i-;form n.=having the shape 有……形状的→] a. having the shape like a heart心形的:a cordiform leaf心形叶片
obcordate [ob-=reversed 倒转的;cord=heart 心;-ate a.=having有……性质的→] a. having the shape like a reversed heart倒心形的:an obcordate leaf倒心形的叶片