教程:英语四级词汇  浏览:602  
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       1. [望文生义]根据所学词根的知识推测下列单词的词义。

       ① unconfined a.

       ② undefined a.

       2. [同义相连]将左栏中的单词和右栏中相对应的词义连接起来。

       ① indefinable       a.不明确的

       ② indefinite       b.无限的

       ③ infinite        c.难下定义的

       ④ infinitive       d.动词不定式

       3. [词义辨析]选择最恰当的词义。

       ① finale n.   A.终场    B.完成     C.决赛

       ② finis n.    A.结尾    B.完成     C.精致

       ③ finial n.   A.顶部装饰物 B.戏剧终场   C.决赛场

       4. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。

       ① refine v.提纯;精制

       refinement n.精制;精致

       ② infinitesimal a. [数]无穷的 n.无穷小

       ③ infinitude n.无限

       ④ superfine a.精致的;过于精细的

       34. flu, flux [L]=to flow流动

       常用词fluid,fluent,influence,influenza等,都是词根flu的派生词。flu来自拉丁动词fluere,意思是to flow(流动)。flu有个异形根flux,它来自动名词fluxum的词干部分。

       fluid [flu=to flow流;-id a.=having the quality有……性质的→“having the quality of flowing有流动性质的”→]Ⅰa. able to flow流动的:fluid mechanics流体力学→Ⅱn. substance that flows;gas or liquid流体;气体;液体:Water is a kind of fluid.水是一种流体。

       ▽fluidity [fluid;-ity n.] n.流动性;流质;液态

       fluidify [fluid;-ify v.] v.使成流体

       fluent [flu=to flow流;-ent a.=-ing有……性质的→] a. flowing easily流畅的:She can speak fluent English.她能说一口流利的英语。

       ▽fluency [flu;-ency n.] n.流畅;流利

       influence [in-=into进入;flu=to flow流;-ence n.=the act or result表行为结果→“a planet's flowing into some area, which was supposed to work on other planets某行星流入某方位,古时候认为这对其他行星有所影响”→]Ⅰn. the power to produce effects on others影响力:I have no influence to his decision. 我无法影响他的决定。→Ⅱv. produce effects on影响:Bad weather influenced the grain production.坏天气影响了粮食生产。

       ▽influential [in-;flu;-ent;-ial a.] a.有影响的

       influenza [influenz=to influence影响;-a n.=disease疾病→“disease that influences many people at a time 同时影响许多人的疾病”→] n. epidemic virus disease attacking the upper respiratory tract流行性感冒(侵染上呼吸道的病毒性流行病)

       affluent [af-(ad-)=to向;flu=to flow流;-ent a.=-ing……的→“flowing freely to向……涌流而来的”→] a. abundant;wealthy丰富的;富裕的:affluent society富裕的社会

       ▽affluence [af-;flu;-ence n.] n.丰富;富裕

       confluence [con-(com-)=together共;flu=to flow流;-ence n.=the state表状态→] n. flowing of water together with another汇流,汇合/a city at the confluence of two rivers两河交汇处的城市

       ▽confluent [con-;flu;-ent a.] a.合流的;汇合的

       influent [in-=into 入;flu=to flow 流;-ent a.=-ing ……的→] Ⅰa. flowing into流入的:influent water from a lake从湖泊流进的水→Ⅱn. tributary stream支流

       effluent [ef-(ex-)=out出;flu=to flow流;-ent a.=-ing……的→]Ⅰa. flowing out流出的:an effluent stream from a lake湖泊流出的支流→Ⅱn. stream flowing from a large stream, lake, etc.从河、湖等出来的水流:the effluent from a chemical factory从化工厂流出来的废水

       ▽effluence [ef-;flu;-ence n.] n.流出;(光、电等)射出

       refluent [re-=back回;flu=to flow流;-ent a.=-ing……的→] a. flowing back;ebbing逆流的;退潮的:the refluent tide退潮

       ▽refluence/refluency [re-;flu;-ence/-ency n.] n.逆流;退潮

       superfluous [super-=beyond超出;flu=to flow流;-ous a.=having the quality有……性质的→“having the quality of flowing beyond or over流过界的”→] a. overflowing;above what is enough过剩的;多余的:superfluous remarks多余的话

       ▽superfluity [super-;flu;-ity n.] n.多余;奢侈


      上一篇:英语词根——练习32: 下一篇:英语词根——练习34:


