1. [词根辨识]单词found和founder各有三个异源的不同词义。指出哪个词义与我们刚学的词根有关。
① found A.出现 B.建立 C.铸造
② founder A.缔造者 B.铸造工 C.摔倒
2. [词海垂钓]
① dif-(dis-)
② in-
③ suf-(sub-)
3. [由此及彼]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。
① fusible a.易熔的→infusible a.
② infuse v.注入;灌输→infusion a.
4. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。
① circumfuse v.在周围浇;浸
② interfuse v.融合;混合;渗入
③ perfuse v.灌注;洒;使充满
④ transfuse v.输入;输血;注入
5. [节外生枝] fun和fut是词根fund和fus的变体。分析以下单词词义。
① funnel n.漏斗
② futile a.无益的;无效的
③ refute v.反驳;驳斥
39. gen, gener [GK, L]=birth, race出生,种族
genius [gen=birth 出生;-ius n.=the quality 表性质;→“the quality connected with one's birth与生俱有的品性”→] n.① natural ability or tendency天性:a genius for making friends交友的天性② outstanding natural aptitude天资;天赋:a genius for music音乐天赋 ③ person who has outstanding natural aptitude天才人物:Beethoven was a musical genius.贝多芬是个音乐天才。
genuine [gen=birth出生;-u-;-ine a.=connected with与……相关的→“connected with birth or origin与出生或来源相关的”→] a.① native生来的:genuine Australians 澳大利亚土著 ② original 天然的:genuine breed纯种
generate [gener=birth出生;-ate v.=to make or cause使……→“to cause the birth of使……出生”→] v.① give birth to生育:to generate one's young生育后代② produce生产:to generate electricity发电
▽generation [generat(e);-ion n.] n.生育;产生;代;一代人
generative [generat(e);-ive a.] a.生殖的;产生的
general [gener=race种族,种类;-al a.=relating to……的→“relating to the whole race or class与整个种类有关的”→] a.① public;common公共的;一般的:the general opinion一般舆论② universal全面的,总的:general offensive全面进攻
▽generality [general;-ity n.] n.一般性;普遍性
generalize [general;-ize v.] v.使一般化
genesis [gen=birth生出;-esis n.=the act or state 表行为状况→“the act or state of the birth 出生或初生的状况”→] n. creation;origin创造;起源:the genesis of civilization文明的起源
genetic [gen=birth or origin出生,起源;-etic a.=of……的→“of birth or origin about plants and animals关于动植物的发生或起源的”→] a. of heredity or variation of animals and plants遗传的(关于动植物的遗传和变异的):genetic diseases遗传性疾病
▽genetics [genetic;-s n.] n.遗传学
eugenic [eu-=fine优;gen=birth, or production of offspring出生,生育;-ic a.=of……的→] a. of the production of fine offspring优生的:eugenic inherited qualities优生遗传因素
▽eugenics [eugenic;-s n.] n.优生学
congenial [con-(com-)=together with共同;gen=race of kind种类;-i-;-al a.=of……的→“of the same race or kind with与……同种类的”→] a.①of the same genius or taste志趣相投的:a congenial companion意气相投的伴侣 ②agreeable 相宜的:Do you find the climate congenial?你觉得这气候适宜吗?
▽congeniality [congenial;-ity n.] n.同性质;投合;适宜