1. [举一反三]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。
digest v.消化→① digestive a.
→② indigestible a.
→③ indigestion n.
2. [由此及彼]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。
① prearrange v.预先安排→predigest v.
② congest v.充血→congestive a.
3. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。
① ingesta n.被摄取的营养物
② gesticulate v.做手势;用姿势示意
gesticulation n.做手势;示意的动作或姿势
③ congeries n.聚集;堆积
④ gerund n. [语法]动名词
gerundial a. [语法]动名词的
41. gnos, gnit, gniz [L, GK]=to know知
词根 gnos 来自拉丁动词 gnoscere,意为 to know(知),它与noscere是同一个拉丁词,只是添加前缀时前面加上g,(这个g在词根中不读音,在前缀之后才读音。)gnit是gnoscere的分词词干,gniz是gnit在英语中的变体。
diagnose [dia-=through 通过;gnos=to know 知道;-e→“to know through inquiry通过查询知道”→] v. identify a disease after examining the patient诊断:The doctor diagnosed the illnesss as influenza.医生诊断该病为流行性感冒。
▽diagnosis [diagnos(e);-is n.] n.诊断(法);诊断结论
cognition [co-=completely完全;gnit=to know知;-ion n.=the act表行为→“the act of knowing completely 全知的行为”→] n. knowing;perception认识(能力):cognition theory认识理论
▽cognitive [co-;gnit;-ive a.] a.认识的;认识能力的
recognition [re-=again再;cognition=knowing知道→] n.① knowing again认出,识别:She gave no sign of recognition of me.她根本没有表示认识我。② admission承认:We insisted on recognition of our rights.我们坚持要求承认我们的权利。
▽recognitive [re-;co-;gnit;-ive a.] a.认识的;承认的
recognize [re-=again再;co-=completely完全;gniz=to know知道;-e→] v.① know again认出:The boy recognized the word.男孩认出了那个字。② admit承认:His qualifications are recognized in China.他的资格在中国得到承认。
▽recognizable [recogniz(e);-able a.] a.可以认出的;可承认的
recognizee [recogniz(e);-ee n.] n. [律]被保人
recognizor [recogniz(e);-or n.] n. [律]担保人,具保证书人
agnostic [a-=not不;gnos=to know知;-tic a.=of……的→“of not knowing不知道的”→] a. of the beliefs that nothing can be known不可知论的:He is agnostic about any phenomenon.他对任何现象都持不可知的态度。
▽agnostically [(agnostic;-al a.)-ly ad.] ad.持不可知态度地
incognito [in-=not不;co-=completely完全;gnit=to know知;-o a.=-ing ……的→“not being known 不为人知的”→] Ⅰ a. with one's name hidden隐姓埋名的:to travel incognito匿名旅行 Ⅱ n. person who is incognito隐姓埋名者:to preserve one's incognito保持隐姓埋名的身份
precognition [pre-=beforehand 事先;cognition n. 认识→] n. previous cognition or knowledge预知,早知:He claims the laboratory proof of his precognition.他声称他的预言已获实验证明。
▽precognitive [pre-;cognitive a.] a.预知的,早知的
prognosis [pro-=forward向前;gnosis=knowing知→“knowing of forward conditions知道前景”→] n. estimate of what will probably happen预测:The prognosis on finance is poor.财政预测的前景不佳。
▽prognostic [pro-;gnos;-tic a./n.] a.预兆的 n.预兆;预测