1. [由此及彼]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。
① manual a.用手的→bimanual v.
② quadrumana n.“四手类”灵长类动物→bimana n.
③ mistake v.错误→mismanage v.
2. [词义判断]以下是常用词manure词义发展过程的三个意思。请判断它的现在的词义是什么。
① to hold by hand;to cultivate
② to enrich with fertilizing substance
③ any fertilizing substance
3. [同义相连](提示:dat=to give;cur=care;e-(ex-)=out;cip=to take;duct=to lead;fest=to strike.)
① mandate a.授权,委任;托管地
② manicure b.解放;解除
③ emancipation c.宣言
④ manuduction d.修指甲
⑤ manifesto e.指引;引导
4. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。
① amanuensis n.抄写员
② manoeuvre v.演习;调动部队
③ managerial a.经理的;管理人的
④ manumit v.解放(奴隶等)
⑤ manumission n.解放(提示:mit, miss=to send)
⑥ manicurist n.修指甲师(提示:cur=care)
⑦ manifest v.显示;表明(提示:fest=to strike)
⑧ maniform a.手形的
⑨ emancipate v.解放;解除
⑩ mandatary n.受托人,代理人(提示:dat=to give)
56. medi [L]=middle中间
immediate [im-(in-)=not, without不,无;medi=middle中间;-ate a.=having有……的→“having nothing in the middle, or without anything between没有间隔的;没有阻隔的”→] a.① without delay即刻的:to give an immediate answer立即回答② direct直接的:the immediate cause 直接原因
medium [medi=middle中间;-um n.=thing物→“thing in the middle中间物”→] n. substance in the middle through which any effect is transmitted媒介物(在中间起传播作用的物质):Sound travels through the medium of air.声音以空气为媒介进行传播。
mediate [medi=middle中间;-ate v.=to act做→“to act in the middle在中间起作用”→] v. act as a peacemaker between two opposing sides居间调停,调解:to mediate between the workers and the employers在劳资双方之间调解
▽mediation [mediat (e);-ion n.] n.调解;调停
mediator [mediat (e);-or n.] n.调停者
mediative [mediat (e);-ive n.] a.调停的;调解的
mediterranean [medi=middle中间;terr=land陆地;-ane (-ana)=place地方;-an a.=belonging to属于……的→“belonging to the middle place of land属于陆地中间地方的”→] a. situated in the middle of land位于陆地中间的:Mediterranean (Sea)地中海(位于欧亚非大陆中间)
medieval [medi=middle 中间;ev (来自 aevum)=age 时代;-al a.=of……的→] a. of the Middle Ages中世纪的:medieval history中世纪史
▽medievalism [medieval;-ism n.] n.中世纪精神
medievalist [medieval;-ist n.] n.中世纪文化艺术的爱好者
median [medi=middle中间;-an a.=belonging to属于……的→“belonging to the middle属于中间位置的”→] a. in the middle;running through themiddle 当中的;穿过当中的:a median line of a triangle 三角形的中线
intermediate [inter-=between在……之间;medi=middle中间;-ate a.=being……的→“being in the middle position between two limits, stages在两极限、两阶段之间处于中间位置的”→]Ⅰa. done or happening between two things中间的;两者之间的:intermediate course(初、中、高三级的)中级课程 ② half way中途的:an intermediate port中途口岸→Ⅱ v. act as a mediator调停:He refused to intermediate in the case.他拒绝在该事件中进行调停。
▽intermediation [intermediat (e) v.;-ion n.] n.仲裁;调停
intermediary [inter-;medi;-ary n.] n.中间形态;中间人
mediocre [medi=middle中;ocr (来自ocris)=rugged mountain崎岖的山;-e→“of middle high mountain 中等高度的山”→] a. of middle quality;neither good nor bad中等的;平庸的:a mediocre scholar平庸的学者
▽mediocrity [mediocr (e);-ity n.] n.平庸;平庸的人