教程:英语四级词汇  浏览:519  
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       1. [望文生义]根据所学词根的知识推测下列单词的词义。

       ① unconscious a.

       ② geoscience n.

       ③ self-conscious a.

       2. [由此及彼]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。

       ① pseudo-democratic a.假民主的→pseudoscientific a.

       ② prehistoric a.历史以前的→prescientific a.

       3. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。

       ① scient a.有知识的;有技巧的

       sciential a.知识的;产生知识的

       ② sciolism n.肤浅的知识;一知半解

       sciolist n.知识肤浅者;一知半解的人

       ③ scienter n. [律] 故意;明知

       80. scrib, script [L]=to write写

       scrib和script是一对同源异形根。scrib是拉丁动词scribere的不定式词干,script是动名词词干,意思是to write(写)。在英语中,scrib多出现在动词中;script则出现在相应的名词和形容词中。

       describe [de-=down下;scrib=to write写;-e→“to write down写下”→] v. give an account of写;叙述:Can you describe his appearance?你能描述一下他的外貌吗?

       ▽description [de-;script;-ion n.] n.描写;叙述

       descriptive [de-;script;-ive] a.描写的;叙述的

       inscribe [in-=in入;scrib =to write写;-e→“to write something in some place把某物写入某处”→] v.① write (one's name) in (a book, etc.)题写;题名:The author inscribed a copy of his book to his best friend.作者题名赠书给好友。② write by marking into a surface刻写;铭刻:The monument is inscribed with the names of martyrs.纪念碑上铭刻着烈士的英名。

       ▽inscription [in-;script;-ion n.] n.铭刻;碑文;题词

       inscriptive [in-;script;-ive a.] a.铭文的;题词的

       prescribe [pre- = beforehand 事先;scrib = to write 写;-e→“to write beforehand 事先写好”→] v. ① set down a rule to be followed规定:The invitation prescribed formal dress. 请柬上写明要正式着装。② order the use of medicine or treatment 开(处方):The doctor prescribed his patient a complete rest.医生要求病人全休。

       ▽prescription [pre-;script;-ion n.] n.规定;处方

       prescriptive [pre-;script;-ive a.] a.规定的;约定俗成的

       subscribe [sub-=underneath在下方;scrib=to write写;-e→“to write one's name underneath as to show agreement把名字写在下方以示同意”→] v. ① sign 签署:We all subscribed our names to the written statement.我们都在声明书上签了名。② agree to pay money for the delivery (of a newspaper, magazine, etc. )订阅(报刊、杂志等):to subscribe to China Daily订阅《中国日报》

       ▽subscriber [subscrib(e);-er n.] n.签署者;订阅者

       subscription [sub-;script;-ion n.] n.签署;同意;订阅(费)

       subscript [sub-;script] a.写在下方的

       proscribe [pro-=before在……面前;scrib=to write写;-e→“to write (an outlaw's name) before the public在公众面前写出(罪犯的名字)”→] v.① outlaw, or banish剥夺公民权;放逐:He was proscribed from the realm.他被驱逐出境。② prohibit禁止:to proscribe germ warfare禁止细菌战

       ▽proscription [pro-;script;-ion n.] n.禁止;剥夺公民权

       proscriptive [pro-;script;-ive a.] a.禁止的;剥夺公民权的

       transcribe [tran-(trans-)=from...to...从……到……;scrib=to write写;-e→“to write from one place to another从一个地方转写到另一个地方”→] v. copy from an original转抄;誊写:to transcribe shorthand notes誊写速记稿

       ▽transcript [tran(s)-;script] n.抄本;誊本;副本

       ascribe [a-(ad-)=upon在……之上;scrib=to write写;-e→“to write a result upon把结果记在……之上”→] v. attribute to把……归因于:to ascribe success to hard work把成功归因于努力

       ▽ascription [a-;script;-ion n.] n.(功过等的)归于

       postscript [post-=after在……之后;script =to write写→“that which is written after写在后面的东西”→] n. the part written in a letter after the signature信后的附言

       scripture [script=to write写;-ure n.=thing物→“written thing书写的东西”→] n.① handwriting;document手写稿;文件 ② holy book of a religion宗教经典:the Buddhist scriptures佛经


      上一篇:英语词根——练习78: 下一篇:英语词根——练习80:


