教程:英语四级词汇  浏览:439  
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       1. [同义相连]将左栏中的单词和右栏中相对应的词义连接起来。

       ① indescribable     a.可刻写的;可题写的

       ② misdescribe      b.难以描写的

       ③ inscribable      c.误写;误述

       ④ scribal        d.可描写的

       ⑤ describable      e.抄写的;抄写员的

       2. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。

       ① manuscript n.手稿

       ② rescript n.重抄;抄件

       ③ circumscribe v.限制;给……下定义

       ④ scribe n.抄写员;文书

       ⑤ script n.手迹;手稿;原稿

       ⑥ scribble v.潦草地书写;乱涂

       scribbler n.字迹潦草的人

       ⑦ scrip n.处方,药方;收据,收条

       ⑧ conscript v.征募;招兵

       ⑨ script-writer n.电影或戏剧剧本作者

       ⑩ superscribe v.在……上面写或刻

       superscription n.在……上面写或刻字;题字,题词

       81. sect [L]=to cut切

       在常用section,sector和insect中有个拉丁词根sect。它来自拉丁动词secare的动名词词干,意为to cut(切)。

       section [sect=to cut切;-ion n.=the result 表结果→“the result of cutting something切割某物的结果”→] n.① part cut off切下的部分,块:to cut the cake into four sections把蛋糕切成四块② separate part of any-thing(事物的)部分:the richer sections of town城镇中富裕的地区

       ▽sectional [section;-al a.] a.部分的;局部的;地区的

       subsection [sub-;section] n.分部,小类;分段,小节

       sector [sect=to cut切;-or n.=thing物→“something that is cut off被切下之物”→] n.① part cut off from the whole部分:a sector of a circle扇形②distinct part of society(社会的)部门,行业:the manufacturing sector制造业

       ▽sectorial [sector;-ial a.] a.扇形的

       insect [in-=into成为;sect=to cut切→“an animal looking like being cut into several parts 看起来好像身体被切成几部分的动物”→] n. anthropad having a body divided into three parts昆虫:Beetles, ants and flies are all insects.甲虫、蚂蚁和苍蝇都是昆虫。

       ▽insectual [insect;-u-;-al a.] a.昆虫似的;小虫子似的

       bisect [bi-=two二;sect=to cut切分→] v. cut into two equal parts把……平分:Use the compass to bisect an angle.用罗盘平分方位角。

       ▽bisector [bisect;-or n.] n. [数]平分线

       dissect [dis-=apart分;sect =to cut切→“to cut apart切开”→] v.① cut apart (an animal body, etc.) to examine its parts解剖:to dissect a frog解剖青蛙② examine part by part仔细分析:to dissect a problem仔细分析问题

       ▽dissection [dissect;-ion n.] n.解剖;分析

       dissector [dissect;-or n.] n.解剖者,解剖学家;分析者

       intersect [inter-=between在……之间;sect=to cut切→“to cut between在……之间切过去”→] v.① cut across横切:The highway intersects the town.公路穿城而过。② meet and cross交叉:Two lines intersect at point A.两线在A点相交。

       ▽intersection [intersect;-ion n.] n.横断;交叉(点)

       transect [tran-(trans-)=arcoss横穿;sect=to cut切→] v. cut arcoss横切,横断:The ridge transects north of this province.该山脉横穿这个省的北部。

       ▽transection [transect;-ion n.] n.横切;横断面

       vivisect [viv=alive活的;-i-;sect=to cut切→“to cut alive切割活物”→] v. cut into or dissect (a living animal)解剖(动物活体):The Japanese troops vivisected human bodies in World WarⅡ.日本军队在二战中用人体进行活体解剖。

       ▽vivisection [vivisect;-ion n.] n.活体解剖


      上一篇:英语词根——练习79: 下一篇:英语词根——练习81:


