1. [词海垂钓]从词典中“钓”出一串同根词吧。
2. [举一反三]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。
sectional a.地方的,地区的→① sectionalism n.
② sectionalist n.
③ sectionalize v.
3. [同义相连]以下是几个与insect(昆虫)有关的派生词。(提示:-cide=killer;fug=to free;vor=to eat.)
① insectarium a.杀虫药剂
② insecticide b.昆虫学
③ insectifuge c.昆虫饲养室
④ insectivore d.食虫的动(植)物
⑤ insectology e.驱虫剂
4. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。
① insectile a.似昆虫的
② insectivorous a.食昆虫的,以虫为食的
③ sectile a.(矿物等)可切的;可剖开的
④ resection n. [医]切除(术)
⑤ sect n. [宗]教派(尤指分裂出来的异端教派);宗派
5. [节外生枝] sect还有3个异形根sec,sex,seg,请记住以下几组相关的同根词。
① secant n. [数]正割,割线
② sex n.性别
sexual a.性别的
sexy a.引起性欲的;色情的
③ segment n.部分;切片
segmental a.部分的;分割的
segmentation n.分割;切断;细胞分裂
82. sent, sens [L]=to feel感觉
在常用词sentence,sentiment,sense,nonsense中,有一对同源异形根sent和sens。它们分别来自拉丁动词sentire和它的动名词sensum,意思相当于to feel(感觉)。
sentence [sent =to feel 感觉;-ence n. =thing物→“expression of one's feeling or meaning表达感觉或想法的东西”→] n. number of words giving a complete sense or meaning句子(意思完整的一组词):a simple sentence简单句
sentiment [sent=to feel感觉;-i-;-ment n.=the state or result表状态或结果→“the state or result of feeling感觉或感觉的结果”→] n. tender of fine feeling;thought arising from feeling情感;思想感情:a man of sentiment感情丰富的人
▽sentimental [sentiment;-al a.] a.多愁善感的;感伤的
presentiment [pre-;sentiment] n.预感
sense [sens=to feel感觉;-e→]Ⅰn. faculty of feeling;inward feeling感官;感觉:the sense of smell嗅觉→Ⅱv. have a feeling without being told感觉,意识到:He sensed danger and stopped moving.他意识到危险,就站住不动。
▽senseless [sense n.;-less a.] a.无知觉的;无感觉的
sensible [sens(e) v.;-ible a.] a.感觉得到的
nonsense [non-=no无;sense n.感觉,意义→“no sense没有意义”→] n.① speech or writing with no meaning废话:I want no more of your nonsense.我不许你再瞎说了。②anything meaningless or absure胡闹:It's all nonsense.这全是胡闹。
▽nonsensical [nonsens(e);-ical a.] a.无意义的;荒谬的
consent [con-(com-)=together共同;sent=to feel感觉→“to feel together with others与他人共同感觉到”→] v. be of the same feeling;agree同感;同意:The committee consented to the plan. 委员会同意那项计划。
▽consentient [consent;-ient a.] a.同意的;赞成的
consensus [con-;sens;-us n.] n.(意见的)一致;舆论
dissent [dis-=apart分离;sent=to feel感觉→“to feel apart from others与他人感觉相分离”→] v. think differently;disagree in opinion持异议;不同意:He and I dissent from each other.我与他意见不一致。
▽dissentient [dissent;-i-;-ent a.] a.(对多数人意见)不同意的
dissension [dis-;sens;-ion n.] n.意见分歧;不和
assent [as-(ad-)=to对;sent=to feel感觉→“to feel agreeable to something对某事感觉良好”→]Ⅰv. express agreement;consent赞同;同意:I assent to your request.我同意你的要求。→Ⅱn. agreeing赞成,同意:The teacher nodded assent to his answer.老师点头赞同他的答案。
▽assentation [assent;-ation n.] n.赞同;迎合
assentient [assent;-ient a.] a.同意的;赞成的
resent [re-=against对抗;sent=to feel感觉→“to feel against觉得与……相对抗”→] v. feel angry or bitter at对……怨恨:He resents being called a fool.他恨人家叫他傻瓜。
▽resentment [resent;-ment n.] n.怨恨;不满
resentful [resent;-ful a.] a.忿恨的;不满的
sensitive [sens=to feel感觉;-itive (-ive) a.=having a special quality有……特点的→“having a special ability of feeling 有特别的感觉能力的”→] a. quick to feel the effect of 敏感的:His ears are highly sensitive to any unusual sound in the machine.他的耳朵对机器的异常声音十分敏感。
▽sensitivity [sensitiv(e);-ity n.] n.敏感性;灵敏性
sensitize [sens;-itize(-ize) v.] v.使敏感;变敏感
sensuous [sens = to feel 感觉;-u-; -ous a. = belonging to ……的→“belonging to feeling or sense of feeling属于感觉或感官方面的”→] a.①of senses 感官方面的:sensuous delight 感官上的乐趣 ② giving pleasure of senses给人以美感的:a sensuous painting一幅引起美感的画