1. [举一反三]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。
existent n.存在的事物→① existential a.
→② existentialism a.
→③ existentialist n.
2. [同义相连]将左栏中的单词和右栏中相对应的词义连接起来。
① persistent a. 一致的;坚固的
② existent b. 坚持的
③ resistant c. 抵抗的;有抵抗力的
④ insistent d. 存在的;现存的
⑤ consistent e. 坚持的;持续不断的
3. [望文生义]根据所学词根的知识推测下列单词的词义。
① resister n.
resistless a.
irresistible a.
② nonexistence n.
nonexistent a.
③ nonresistance n.
nonresistant a.
4. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。
① resistor n.电阻;电阻器
② resistive a.抵抗的;有抵抗力的
③ resistojet n. [宇]电阻加热电离式发动机
④ transistor n.晶体管 (来自:transfer+resistor)
transistorize v.使晶体管化
87. speci, spect, spic [L]=to look看
标题中的三个异形根都来自拉丁动词specere,意为to look(看)。其中,speci是不定式词干;spic是spec的音变异体;spect是specere的强调形式动词spectare的词干,它的孳生力最强。
expect [ex-=out外;(s)pect=to look看→“to look out for something向外看望着某物”→] v. ① look forward to盼望;期待:I expect that he will come.我盼望他会来。② require要求;期望:You are expected to finish it in time.希望你及时完成这项工作。
▽expectancy [expect;-ancy n.] n.期待;期望;期望的事物
expectant [expect;-ant a.] a.期待的;期望的
expectation [expect;-ation a.] n.期待;期望;[复数]前程
inspect [in-=into入;spect=to look看→] v. look into;examine carefully检查;审查:to inspect fingerprints 检查指纹
▽inspection [inspect;-ion n.] n.检查;审查
inspector [inspect;-or n.] n.检查员;监察员
respect [re-=again再;spect=to look看→“to look again再看,重看”→]Ⅰv.① treat with consideration重视:to respect one's wishes重视某人的意愿② have regard to尊重,尊敬:to respect teachers尊敬老师→Ⅱn. honour and esteem尊敬:to show respect for the aged尊敬老人
▽respectable [respect v.;-able a.] a.可敬的
respectful [respect n.;-ful a.] a.恭敬的;尊重他人的
disrespect [dis-;respect v./n.] v.不尊重,不尊敬 n.无礼,失礼
prospect [pro-=forward向前;spect=to look看→“to look forward向前看”→] n.① something that one looks forward to盼望的事物:A rich harvest is in prospect.丰收在望。② distant or wide view;scene远景,视野;景象:The hill commands a fine prospect.从这座山可以眺望美景。
▽prospective [prospect;-ive a.] a.预期的;未来的
suspect [sus-(sub-)=under在……下面;(s)pect=to look看→“to look at someone from under or askance私下斜眼看某人”→] v. doubt;imagine to be guilty不信任;怀疑有罪过:I suspect him to be a pickpocket.我怀疑他是扒手。
▽suspectable [suspect;-able a.] a.可疑的
suspicion [sus-;(s)pic;-ion n.] n.怀疑;嫌疑
suspicious [sus-;(s)pic;-i-;-ous a.] a.可疑的;多疑的
spectator [spect=to look看;-ator n.=person人→] n. person who looks at or watches an event, sport, etc.旁观者;观众:spectators at a football match足球赛的观众
spectacle [spect=to look看;-acle n.=thing物→“things for people to look at供人们观看的东西”→] n.① something exhibited to public view公开的场面:The opening ceremony was a fine spectacle.开幕式的场面很壮观。② grand public sight or scene壮观;奇景:Viewed from theseashore, the sunrise is indeed a spectacle.从海边看去,日出真是个奇观。
▽spectacular [specta(cle);-cular a.] a.壮观的;惊人的
species [spec = to look 看;-ies n. = thing(s) 物→“thing(s) that can be looked at or seen可以看见的物体”→“visible form of thing(s)物体的形式或外观”→] n.① kind or sort种类:a species of advertisement一种广告 ② group of individuals having common characteritics, placed under a genus种;物种:Wheat is a species of grass.小麦是禾本植物的一种。
▽speciate [spec;-iate v.] v. [生物]物种形成
specific [spec;-ific a.] a.特有的;特定的;[生物]种的
speciology [spec;-i-;-ology n.] n. [生物]物种学
special [spec;-ial a.] a.特殊的;特别的
specious [spec = to look 看;-i-; -ous a. = full of 富于……的→“full of good looking富于好看的,外观的”→] a. looking well at first sight;showy and deceptive外表美观的;华而不实的:a specious person华而不实的人
▽speciosity [spec;-i-;-osity n.] n.外表美观;华而不实
conspicuous [con-(com-)=altogether完全;spic=to look看;-u-;-ous a.=tending to易于……的→“tending to be looked at altogether容易一下子被看见的”→] a. easily seen, or noticeable明显的;惹人注目的:conspicuous errors明显的错误
auspice [au (avis) = bird 鸟;spic = to look or observe 观看;-e→“to observe birds' flying in order to foretell fortune观察飞鸟以预示运气”→] n.① omen drawn by observing birds根据飞鸟行动所做的占卜② forecast; augury预言;预兆 ③ (pl.) patronage 保护,赞助:a school under civilian auspices民办学校
▽auspicious [auspic(e);-i-;-ous a.] a.吉利的,吉祥的
despise [de-=down向下;spis (spic的异体)=to look看;-e→] v. look down upon看不起,鄙视:Don't cheat or you will be despised.不要作弊,不然会被瞧不起的。
▽despicable [de-;spic;-able a.] a.可鄙的;卑鄙的