教程:英语四级词汇  浏览:941  
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       1. [词海垂钓]从词典中“钓”出一串同根词吧。


       2. [举一反三]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。

       spiritual a.心灵的;精神的→① spiritualism n.

                 →② spiritualist n.

                 →③ spiritualize v.

       3. [同义相连]将左栏中的单词和右栏中相对应的词义连接起来。

       ① inspiration      a.满期;截止

       ② perspiration      b.吸气;鼓舞

       ③ respiration      c.排汗;汗液

       ④ aspiration      d.呼吸;呼吸作用

       ⑤ expiration      e.志气;抱负;渴望

       4. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。

       ① conspiratorial a.阴谋的;阴谋家的

       ② dispirit v.使气馁;使沮丧

       dispirited a.没有精神的;垂头丧气的

       ③ spiracle n.通气孔

       ④ aspirate v.把……发成送气音;吸出 n.送气音

       aspirator n.吸气器;抽吸器

       aspiration n.发送气音;送气音

       ⑤ spirituous a.含酒精的;似酒精的

       ⑥ despiritualize v.使失去精神性;使世俗化

       5. [节外生枝] spiro-是术语前缀,表“呼吸”。分析下列单词的词义。

       ① spirograph n.呼吸描记器

       ② spirometer n.肺(活)量计

       ③ spirophore n.(柜式)人工呼吸器

       ④ spiroscope n.呼吸量检视器

       89. st, stat [L]=to stand站立

       st和stat是一对很重要的同源异形根。st来自拉丁动词stare;stat是它的动名词词干,意思都是to stand(站立)。(大家可能会想起,词根sist的意思也是to stand;其实,sist的词源也是stare。)

       state [st=to stand站立;-ate n.=thing物→“that which stands or is set up立着的物体,建立的东西”→] n.① the general mode of things that stand around 总的模样,状态:the state of war 战争状态 ② the political organization which is set up in a country政府;国家:capitalist states资本主义国家

       ▽statehood [state;-hood n.] n.国家地位

       stateless [state;-less a.] a.无国家的;无国籍的

       stately [state;-ly a.] a.尊严的,庄重的;雄伟的

       station [stat=to stand站立;-ion n.=the act or state表行为或状态→] n.① standing; standing-place; position 停留;站立点;位置 ② fixed standing-place for trains, buses, planes, etc. 车站;机场等:railway station火车站

       ▽stationary [station;-ary a.] a.固定的;静止的

       stay [stay (stat)=to stand站立→] v. stand and remain rather than go on or leave停留:Stay here until I return.呆这儿等我回来。

       distance [di-(dis-)=apart分离;st=to stand站立;-ance n.=the state表状态→“the state of standing apart分立的状态”→] n.① separation in space;remoteness相距;远隔:The picture looks better at a distance.这幅画远看更好。② amount of separation in space or time(空间或时间的)距离:a distance of 20 miles 20英里距离

       ▽distant [di-;st;-ant a.] a.在远处的;久远的

       constant [con-(com-)=thoroughly彻底地;st=to stand站立;-ant a.=-ing……的→“standing thoroughly始终站立的”→] a.① fixed or firm坚定的:a constant believer in science坚信科学的人 ② continual持续的:constant growth 持续增长 ③ unchanging 不变的:constant temperature room恒温室

       ▽constancy [con-;st;-ancy n.] n.坚定;经久不变

       circumstance [circum-=around周围;st=to stand站立;-ance n.=thing物→“thing standing around 在周围站立的东西”→] n. fact, condition or event concerned有关事实、情况等:I want to consider each circum-stance in turn.我要逐一考虑有关情况。

       ▽circumstantial [circum-;st;-ant;-ial a.] a.按情况的;偶然的

       contrast [contra- = in opposition 相对;st = to stand 站立→“to stand in opposition相对而立”→]Ⅰv. set in opposition in order to show differ-ence使对比:to contrast good and evil 对比善与恶→Ⅱn. difference in things contrasted对比物之间的差别:the striking contrast between wealth and poverty贫富之间的悬殊差别

       ecstasy [ec-(ex-)=out of外;st=to stand站立;-asy (-acy) n.=the state表状态→“the state of standing out of one's own place because of joy因为高兴站到自己位置之外去”→] n. being put out of the normal mental state;excessive joy出神,入迷;狂喜:He listened to the music with ecstasy.他听音乐听得出了神。

       ▽ecstasize [ecstas(y);-ize v.] v.使入迷;使狂喜

       ecstatic [ec-;stat;-ic a.] a.入迷的;欣喜若狂的

       obstacle [ob-=in the way拦阻;st=to stand站立;-acle n.=thing物→] n. anything that stands in the way and hinders advance 障碍物:to over-come obstales to progress排除前进的障碍

       rest [re-=back后;st =to stand站立→“to stand back or stay behind站在后面,留在后头”→]Ⅰv.① stay, or remain停留;余下② remain or still be保持着,依然是:The affair rests a riddle.这件事依然是个谜。→Ⅱ n. persons that still remain;what is left其余的人;剩余部分:Ten of us will go, the rest are to stay here.我们去十个人,其余的留在这儿。


      上一篇:英语词根——练习87: 下一篇:英语词根——练习89:


