教程:英语四级词汇  浏览:821  
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       1. [由此及彼]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。

       ① static a.静态的;固定的→astatic a.

       ② stable a.稳定的;不变的→unstable a.

       ③ stated a.被宣称的;被宣明的→unstated a.

       ④ unstate v.使失去尊严(或地位)→unstated a.

       2. [同义相连]将左栏中的单词和右栏中相对应的词义连接起来。

       ① stage        a.电机的定子

       ② stature        b.舞台

       ③ statue        c.身高;身材

       ④ status        d.雕像

       ⑤ statute        e.身份;地位

       ⑥ stator        f.法令;章程

       3. [词义判断]选择最恰当的词义。

       ① stationary   A.文具   B.车站的   C.静止的

       ② stationery   A.文具   B.车站的   C.静止的

       4. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。

       ① armistice n.停战(提示:arm=war)

       ② substance n.本质;物质;实体;牢固

       substantive a.本质的;牢固的

       ③ standard n.标准;军旗

       ④ stanza n.诗的一节

       ⑤ instant a.立即的;紧迫的 n.瞬息

       instantaneous a.瞬间的;即刻的

       ⑥ instance n.例子 v.举……为例

       ⑦ statics n.静力学

       ⑧ stationer n.文具商

       ⑨ destine v.预定;命定

       destination n.目标;目的地

       ⑩ obstinate a.固执的;顽强的

       obstinacy n.固执;顽强

       5. [节外生枝] st有个异体stitut意为to place,to set,以下是stitut的主要同根词。

       ① institute n.学院;学会;原则,惯例

       institution n.建立;制度;协会

       ② constitute v.构成;设立;制定

       constitution n.构造;政体;宪法;体质

       constituent a.组成的;构成的;任命的;有组阁权的

       constituency n.选区;选区居民;[语]结构成分

       ③ substitute v.用……代替;代替 n.代替的人;代用品

       substitution n.代替;替换

       substitutive a.可以替代的;代用的

       ④ superstition n.迷信;迷信行为

       superstitious a.迷信的

       ⑤ prostitute n.娼妓 v.使沦为娼妓 a.卖淫的;堕落的

       prostitution n.卖淫;滥用;糟蹋

       ⑥ restitute v.恢复;偿还

       restitution n.归还;赔偿;恢复原状

       90. tang, tact [L]=to touch接触

       tang和tact是一对同源异形根,tang来自拉丁动词tangere的不定式词干,tact是动名词词干,意思相当于to touch(接触)。

       contact [con-(com-)=wholly完全地;tact=to touch接触→]Ⅰn. touch;meeting接触;联系:to come into contact with new ideas 接触新思想→Ⅱv. touch;get in touch with接触;与……联系:Please contact our office. 请与我们办公室联系。→III a. having or keeping touch with保持接触的:contact battle遭遇战

       ▽contactual [contact n.;-u-;-al a.] a.接触的

       contactor [contact v.;-or n.] n.接触器;开关

       tact [tact=to touch接触→“skill in making touch with others与他人接触的技巧”→] n. skill in avoiding what would offend;quick sense of what is proper or right老练圆滑;机智得体:An ambassador must have tact.当大使必须机智老练、言行得体。

       ▽tactful [tact;-ful a.] a.老练的;得体的

       tactless [tact;-less a.] a.不老练的;不得体的

       tactile [tact=to touch触;-ile a.=pertaining to……的→] a.① pertaining to the sense of touch触觉的:tactile organs触觉器官 ② that can be felt by touching能触知的:This cloth gives a good tactile impression.这种布料手感很好。

       ▽tactility [tactil(e);-ity n.] n.触知性;触觉能力

       intact [in-=not不;tact =to touch触→“not touched未被触动的”→] a. remaining whole because no part has been touched or spoiled 完整无缺的:The fire destroyed the house but left the garage intact.房子被烧了,车库却完好无损。

       tangent [tang = to touch 触;-ent n. = thing 物→] n. line that touches a curved line at a point切线:Line A is a tangent of the circle.直线A是圆的切线。

       ▽tangential [tangent;-i-;-al a.] a.切线的;正切的

       tangible [tang=to touch 触;-ible a.=capable of可……的→“capable of being touched可接触的,可触知的”→] a.①having a touchable ordefinite shape有形的:tangible assets有形资产② clear and certain;real明确的;确实的:tangible proof 确凿证据

       ▽tangibility [tangib(le);-ility n.] n.有形性;确实性

       contagious [con-(com-)=with与;tag (tang的变体)=to touch接触;-ious a.=characterized by有……特点的→“characterized by touching with others 特别会与其他人或物接触的”→] a. ①communicable by contact可传染的;有感染力的:contagious laughter有感染力的笑声② that can carry disease by contact接触传染的:contagious disease传染病

       ▽contagion [con-;tag;-ion n.] n.接触传染;传染病;感染;传播

       contagiosity [con-;tag;-i-;-osity n.] n.接触传染率

       contagium [con-;tag;-i-;-um n.] n.接触传染物


      上一篇:英语词根——练习88: 下一篇:英语词根——练习90:


