教程:英语四级词汇  浏览:785  
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       1. [望文生义]根据所学词根的知识推测下列单词的词义。

       ① attractable a.

       ② extractable n.

       ③ retractable a.

       2. [同义相连]将左栏中的单词和右栏中相对应的词义连接起来。

       ① attractor       a.提取者;拔取器

       ② extractor       b.拖延者

       ③ protractor      c.有吸引力的人或物

       ④ contractor      d.取消前言者

       ⑤ retractor        e.减法器;作减法计算者

       ⑥ subtracter       f.订约人

       3. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。

       ① abstract a.抽象的 n.抽象 v.提取

       abstraction n.抽象;抽象化;提取

       abstractionism n.抽象派艺术

       ② tract n.一片土地;传单;小册子[解剖学]道

       tractate n.(专题)论文;短文;小册子

       ③ traction n.拖;牵引;牵引力;吸引力

       tractive a.拖的;牵引的

       tractor n.拖拉机;牵引式飞机;牵引车

       ④ tractable a.易管教的;易控制的;易加工的

       intractable a.难驾御的;难控制的;难加工的

       ⑤ protractile a.(爪,舌等)可伸出的

       4. [节外生枝] trace和trait都是tract的变体,均来自法语。

       ① trace n.痕迹;踪迹 v.跟踪;追溯;描绘

       traceable a.可追踪的;可追溯的;可描画的

       untraceable a.不可追踪的;不可追溯的;不可描画的

       traceless a.无痕迹的;没留痕迹的

       tracer n.失物追查人;示踪物;曳光弹

       ② trait n.一笔;一划;品质;特性;性格

       94. un [L]=one一


       unify [un =one 单一;-ify v. =to make 使……→] v. make into one, or consolidate使成一体;使统一:We will unify our country.我们一定要统一祖国。

       ▽unifiable [unif(y);-iable a.] a.可统一的;能一致的

       unifier [unif(y);-ier n.] n.统一者;使一致者

       unification [unif(y);-ication n.] n.统一;联合

       unite [un=one一;-ite v.=to make使……→] v. make one;join into one;combine统一;联合;团结:the United Nations联合国

       ▽united [unit(e);-ed a.] a.团结的;联合的;统一的

       unitive [unit(e);-ive a.] a.统一的;团结的;(倾向)联合的

       union [un=one一;-ion n.=the state or result表行为状态或结果→“the state or result of being one成为一体的状态或结果”→] n.① uniting or the state of being united联合;团结:Union gives strength.团结就是力量。② united group of countries or states联邦;联盟:the former Soviet Union 前苏联 ③ association or league 联合会;协会:labor union工会

       ▽unionism [union;-ism n.] n.工会主义;工联主义

       unionist [union;-ist n.] n.工会主义者;工联主义者

       unionize [union;-ize v.] v.使成为工会;使加入工会

       unity [un=one一;-ity=the quality表性质→“the quality of being one单一的性质”→] n.① oneness;a single whole单一性;整体:A nation has more unity than a group of tribes.一个国家比一群部落有更多的单一性。② the agreement of aims and interests一致;统一:the unity between the army and the people军民一致 ③ the state of being united团结:Unity is strength.团结就是力量。

       unit [un=one单一;-it n.=thing物→] n. thing regarded as a complete and single one单一体;单位:monetary unit货币单位

       ▽unitary [unit;-ary a.] a.单元的;一元的;单一的

       unitize [unit;-ize v.] v.使成一个单位

       unique [un=one一;-ique (-ic) a.=of……的→] a. of one only;sole唯一的;独一的:This stamp is unique.这是独张的邮票。

       ▽uniqueness [unique;ness n.] n.唯一性;独一性


       uniform [uni=one一;form=form式样→]Ⅰa. of one form;alike all over一样的;相同的:The two boxes are of uniform size and shape.两只箱子的大小和形状是一样的。→Ⅱn. certain form of clothing for all members of a group制服:The soliders are in full uniform.战士们穿着全套军礼服。

       ▽uniformity [uniform a.;-ity n.] n.一式;一律

       uniformize [uniform a.;-ize v.] v.使一样;使一致

       unicorn [uni=one一;corn=horn兽角→] n. imaginary animal with one horn独角兽(古代西欧传说中的一种神兽)

       unilateral [uni=one一;later=side边,方面;-al a.=of……的→] a. of one side;one-sided单边的;单方面的:unilateral contract单方面承担义务的契约

       unison [uni=one一;son=sound声音→“one sound or voice一个声音,一个调子”→] n.① the singing in one note by everybody齐唱:to sing in unison齐声歌唱 ② perfect agreement 一致,调和:to work in unison协调一致地工作

       ▽unisonant [unison;-ant a.] a.一致的;[音]同音的;同度的


      上一篇:英语词根——练习92: 下一篇:英语词根——练习94:


