教程:英语四级词汇  浏览:984  
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       1. [词根辨识]指出下列单词中字母组合un的含义与发音:

       ① university   ② uninvited  ③ uniformize

       ④ uninformed  ⑤ univocal  ⑥ unvoiced

       2. [由此及彼]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。

       ① bicycle n.双轮自行车→unicycle n.

       ② cell n.细胞→unicellular a.

       ③ biped a.双足的→uniped a.

       ④ bipolar a.双极的→unipolar a.

       ⑤ equivocal a.多义的;含糊的→univocal a.

       3. [望文生义]根据所学词根的知识推测下列单词的词义。

       ① reunify v.

       reunification n.

       ② reunite v.

       reunion n.

       ③ unidirectional a.

       ④ unilayer n.

       ⑤ unilinear a.

       4. [同义相连](提示:ax=axis;flor =flower;plan=plane;pod=foot;val=value。)

       ① uniaxial       a.单花的

       ② uniflorous      b.单轴的

       ③ unisexual      c.单性的

       ④ univalent      d.独脚的

       ⑤ unipod       e.单价的

       ⑥ uniplanar      f.位于同一平面的

       5. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。

       ① disunite v.使不统一;使不和;分裂;分离

       disunion n.分离;分裂;不统一;不和

       disunity n.不统一;不团结

       ② triune a.三位一体的 n.三人一组;三个一套

       triunity n.三位一体

       ③ universe n.宇宙;全人类;整体

       universal a.宇宙的;普遍的

       university n.综合性大学

       ④ universalism n.宇宙神教

       ⑤ unitarian n.唯一神教派的教徒

       unitarianism n.唯一神教派

       ⑥ unicameral a.(议会)单院制的

       ⑦ unimodal a.(曲线)单峰的

       ⑧ unipotent a.只能向一个方向发展的

       95. ven, vent [L]=to come来

       在常用词convene,convenient,invent和prevent中,有一对同源异形根ven和vent,意思相当于to come(来)或to happen(发生)。ven来自拉丁动词venire的不定式词干;vent是动名词词干。

       convene [con-(com-)=together一起;ven=to come来;-e→] v. come or call together;assemble 集合;召集:The committee convened every Monday.委员会每星期一开会。

       ▽convener [conven(e);-er n.] n.会议召集人

       convention [con-;vent;-ion n.] n.会议;召集;常规

       conventicle [con-;vent;-icle n.] n.集会;集会场所

       convenient [con-(com-)=together一起;ven=to come来;-i-;-ent a.=having the quality有……性质的→“easy for people to come together便于人们来到一起的”→] v.① within easy reach;handy近便的;附近的:My house is in a convenient location for shopping.我住的地方上街买东西很近便。② suited to what one needs 便利的;方便的:convenient time方便的时间

       ▽convenience [con-;ven;-ience n.] n.便利;方便;适当的机会

       event [e-(ex-)=out出;vent=to come来→“something that comes out or happens出来或出现的事情”→] n.① coming out, or result结局;结果:Those who play with fire will get burned in the event. 玩火者终将自焚。② happening;incident or occurrence事件;事变;大事:historical events历史事件

       ▽eventual [event;-u-;-al a.] a.最后的;结局的;可能发生的

       eventuate [event;-u-;-ate v.] v.结果;归结

       eventful [event;-ful a.] a.多事的;多变故的

       invent [in-=upon到;vent=to come来→“to come upon来到,碰上”→] v. think up or make something new;originate or create for the first time发明;创造:The first compass was invented in China. 指南针是中国首先发明的。

       ▽invention [invent;-ion n.] n.发明;创造;发明物;创造力

       inventive [invent;-ive a.] a.发明创造的;有创造力的

       prevent [pre-=before先;vent=to come来→“to come before so act earlier先来所以早行动”→] v.① keep from happening by taking measures beforehand预防:to prevent diseases预防疾病②hinder effectually妨碍:A poor vocabulary prevents me from getting ahead.词汇量太少妨碍我进步。

       ▽prevention [prevent;-ion n.] n.预防;妨碍

       preventive [prevent;-ive a./n.] a.预防的 n.预防措施

       preventable [prevent;-able a.] a.可预防的

       avenue [a-(ad-)=to到;ven=to come来;-ue n.=thing物→“way for people to come to some place让人们来到某地的路”→] n.① way to a result; the means of getting something 途径;手段:an avenue toprosperity通向繁荣的途径② road;wide street道路;大街:the Fifth Avenue in New York纽约的第五大街

       intervene [inter-=between在……之间;ven=to come来;-e→] v. come between; be between 干涉;介入:I won't intervene your private affairs.我不想干涉你的私事。

       ▽intervenient [interven(e);-i-;-ent a.] a.干涉的;介入的

       intervention [inter-;vent;-ion n.] n.干涉;介入

       revenue [re-=back回;ven=to come来;-ue n.=thing物→“thing that comes back from a certain source 从某种来源收回来的东西”→] n.① income收入:one's revenue一个人的总收入 ② the income of a state国家岁入;税收:the Public Revenue国库收入

       ▽revenuer [revenu(e);-er n.] n.税务官

       adventure [ad-=to到;vent=to come来;-ure n.=the result表结果→“the result of a coming to somebody来到某人身上的事情”→]Ⅰn.① chance机会;运气② chance one takes;risk冒险:military adven-ture军事冒险→Ⅱv.① chance or risk拿……进行冒险:He adven-tured his life to save you.他冒生命危险去救你。② risk oneself冒险:He adventured on commercial speculation.他冒险作商业投机。

       ▽adventurism [adventur(e) n.;-ism n.] n.冒险主义

       adventurous [adventur(e) v.;-ous a.] a.爱冒险的;有危险性的

       circumvent [circum-=around环绕;vent =to come来→] v.① come or move around围绕;绕行② surround so as to capture by wit围困:to circumvent enemy troops围困敌军③sidestep;keep away from回避:to circumvent the law钻法律的空子

       ▽circumvention [circumvent;-ion n.] n.围绕;包围;回避


      上一篇:英语词根——练习93: 下一篇:英语词根——练习95:


