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    News Item -适量咖啡有益健康

    Today we have more good news for all of our coffee drinkers around the world. Another new study finds that drinking coffee can help you live longer.

    Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health recently discovered that drinking between three and five cups of coffee a day may prevent certain illnesses. They found that coffee can protect against heart disease, brain diseases, Type II diabetes and suicide.
    哈佛大学公共卫生学院的研究人员最近发现,每天喝三到五杯咖啡可以预防某些疾病。他们发现,咖啡可以预防心脏病、脑部疾病、II 型糖尿病和自杀。

    Walter Willett is a nutrition researcher at Harvard and co-author of the study. Willet says the findings extend to both caffeinated(含咖啡因的)and decaffeinated coffee—or decaf, as Americans often call it.

    So, the health benefits come not just from the caffeine in coffee, but from the compounds in the beans.

    The large study of about 200,000 subjects included data from three ongoing studies. Subjects in the study had to answer questions about their coffee drinking habits every four years over a 30-year period.
    这项针对约 20 万名受试者的大型研究包含了三项正在进行的研究的数据。在长达 30 年的时间里,研究对象必须每四年回答一次有关他们喝咖啡习惯的问题。

    Researchers found that moderate coffee drinking was linked with a reduced risk of death from many diseases. These diseases include cardiovascular(心血管)disease, diabetes, neurological(神经方面的)diseases such as Parkinson’s, and suicide.

    However, the researchers found no link between coffee drinking and cancer.
      上一篇:2024年英语四级冲刺:听力真题原文12 下一篇:2024年英语四级冲刺:听力真题原文14

