397. The length of a copyright is typically the lifetime of the author plus an additional 50 years.
译文 版权的保护期,通常为作者的有生之年加上其去世后50年。
点睛 length在本句中意为“(时间的)长短”,除此之外,它还含有“长度;程度,范围”之意。如:
The box is two feet in length. 这个箱子有两英尺长。
1) Four plus five equals nine. 4加5等于9。
2) Success requires hard work plus intelligence. 成功需要勤奋工作加聪明才智。
考点归纳 六级考试中与length有关的常见表达还有:
at arm's length意为“在手臂伸得到的地方;(保持)一定的距离;疏远”。如:
I keep trying to get friendly with Liza, but she keeps me at arm's length. 我一直设法和莉莎接近,但她始终和我保持一定距离。
at full length意为“极为详细地;全身平伸地”。如:
Bob lay at full length on the grass. 鲍勃伸直身体躺在草地上。
at length意为“最后,终于;详细地”。如:
1) At length the patient pulled through. 这位病人终于康复了。
2) The old lady always speaks at length. 这位老太太说起话来总是没完。