Student A (A): Hey, do you have a few minutes? I was thinking of taking a walk around campus. Want to join me?
学生A(A): 嘿,你有几分钟空闲吗?我正想在校园里散散步。想一起吗?
Student B (B): Sure, that sounds great! I could use some fresh air.
学生B(B): 当然,听起来不错!我需要呼吸点新鲜空气。
A: Let's head over to the lakeside first. The view there is always so peaceful.
A: 我们先去湖边吧。那里的风景总是那么宁静。
B: Yeah, I love how the ducks swim around and the students study by the water.
B: 是啊,我喜欢看鸭子游来游去,还有学生在水边学习。
A: Speaking of studying, how's your midterm prep going?
A: 说到学习,你的期中考试准备得怎么样了?
B: It's going okay, but I could definitely use more time in the library.
B: 还算顺利,但我肯定还需要更多时间在图书馆。
A: I know the feeling. But a little break now can help refresh your mind.
A: 我懂那种感觉。但现在稍微休息一下可以帮助你清醒头脑。
B: Definitely. Look, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom! They're so beautiful.
B: 确实如此。看,樱花全开了!它们太美了。
A: Yeah, spring on campus is always the best. Let's take a photo together.
A: 是啊,校园里的春天总是最美的。我们一起拍张照吧。
B: Great idea! After this, shall we grab a coffee at the student center?
B: 好主意!拍完后,我们去学生中心喝杯咖啡怎么样?
A: Sounds perfect. I could use a caffeine boost before my next class.
A: 听起来很棒。我下一节课前正需要一杯咖啡提神。
B: Me too. Let's go!
B: 我也是。走吧!
fresh air:新鲜空气,常用于表示需要放松或呼吸自然空气的情况。
midterm prep:期中考试准备,指为即将到来的期中考试所做的复习和准备。
refresh one's mind:使某人头脑清醒,指通过休息或放松来恢复精神。
cherry blossoms:樱花,春季开花的观赏植物,常用来象征春天的到来。
in full bloom:盛开,指花朵完全开放的状态。