Student A: Hey, Tom, are you excited about the upcoming school sports meet?
学生A: 嘿,Tom,你对即将到来的校园运动会感到兴奋吗?
Student B: Absolutely! I've been training hard for the 100-meter dash. How about you?
学生B: 当然!我一直在为100米短跑努力训练。你呢?
Student A: I'm part of the relay team this year. We're practicing our handoffs to make sure we don't drop the baton.
学生A: 我今年参加了接力赛队伍。我们正在练习交接棒,以确定不会掉棒。
Student B: That sounds intense. What's your strategy for the race?
学生B: 听起来很紧张。你们对比赛有什么策略吗?
Student A: We plan to start strong and maintain our pace throughout. Teamwork is key.
学生A: 我们计划强势开局,并全程保持速度。团队合作是关键。
Student B: I couldn't agree more. I'm also looking forward to cheering for everyone during the events.
学生B: 我完全同意。我也很期待在比赛期间为每个人加油。
Student A: Yeah, the atmosphere is always amazing during the sports meet. It's a great way to bond with classmates.
学生A: 是的,运动会期间的气氛总是很棒。这是与同学们建立联系的好方式。
Student B: Definitely. By the way, have you signed up for any other events besides the relay?
学生B: 确实如此。顺便问一下,除了接力赛,你还报名参加了其他项目吗?
Student A: Actually, I'm also taking part in the long jump. It's been a while since I last competed in it
学生A: 实际上,我还参加了跳远比赛。自从上次参赛以来已经有一段时间了。
Student B: Good luck with that! I'm sure you'll do great. See you at the starting line!
学生B: 祝你好运!我相信你会做得很好。起跑线上见!
sports meet:运动会,指学校或社区举办的体育比赛活动。
100-meter dash:100米短跑,是田径比赛中的一项。
relay team:接力赛队伍,由多名队员组成,每人跑完一段距离后交接棒给下一位队员。
bond with:与……建立联系,指通过共同经历或活动增进人与人之间的情感联系。
long jump:跳远,是田径比赛中的一项,要求运动员助跑后跳入沙坑,以跳远距离决定胜负。