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    压岁钱 (gift money)是指中国春节时长辈送给未成年晚辈的红包 (red packet),里面装有钞票。压岁钱可在晚辈拜年后赏给,亦可在除夕夜孩子睡着时,由家长悄悄地放在孩子的枕头底下。民间认为当鬼怪准备伤害孩子时,孩子可以用压岁钱贿赂它们而化凶 (portentous)为吉 (propitious)。所以,给“压岁钱”,无论数量多少,都体现出长辈对晚辈的关爱和呵护,都意味着长辈对孩子深深的祝福和期盼。如今,这一习俗仍然盛行。压岁钱多被孩子们用来购买学习和生活用品。


    1. 压岁钱是指……的红包:这种类似于下定义的句子在翻译时通常译成限制性定语从句。

    2. 拜年:即新年到来时的拜访和问候,因此翻译为pay a new year call/visit/greeting to sb.。

    3. 用压岁钱贿赂它们:翻译为bribe them with the gift money。bribe sb. with sth.,用某物贿赂某人。

    4. 化凶为吉:翻译为change the portentous into the propitious。the portentous,意为“不祥的、不吉利的事物”,the propitious,意为“吉利的事物”。把不吉利的事物变成吉利的事物即“化凶为吉”。

    5. 学习和生活用品:翻译为articles for study and daily use。


    Gift Money

    Gift money is the red packet stuffed with cash that the elders give the underage kids on the Spring Festival in China. The kids will receive their gift money after they pay a New Year visit to the elders, or the parents put the gift money under kids' pillows quietly after they fall asleep on the eve of the Spring Festival. It is believed that when the ghosts are about to hurt the kids, the kids can bribe them with the gift money to change the portentous into the propitious. Therefore, giving gift money, no matter what the amount is, reflects the elders' and parents' love and care for the kids and stands for their deep blessings and expectations. This custom is still very popular nowadays. In most cases, kids use their gift money to buy articles for study and daily use.


    最早的压岁钱出现于汉代,称作“压胜钱”或“厌胜钱”,这种钱不是市面上流通的货币,而是为了佩戴和玩赏而专门铸成钱币形状的避邪品。这种钱币形式的佩戴物品最早是在汉代出现的,有的正面铸有钱币上的文字和各种吉祥语,如“千秋万岁”、“天下太平”、“去殃除凶”等;背面铸有各种图案,如龙凤、龟蛇、双鱼、斗剑、星斗等。唐代,宫廷里春日散钱之风盛行。当时春节是“立春日”,是宫内相互朝拜的日子,民间并没有这一习俗。到了明清时,压岁钱大多数是用红绳串着送给孩子。民国以后,则演变为用红纸包一百文铜元,其寓意为“长命百岁(live to a ripe old age)”;如果给已经成年的晚辈压岁钱,红纸里包的是一枚大洋(silver dollar),象征着“财源茂盛”、“一本万利(a small investment brings a ten thousand-fold profit)”。货币改为钞票后,家长们喜欢选用号码相连的新钞票赐给孩子们,因为“联”与“连”谐音,预示着后代“连连发财”、“连连高升”。

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