留学美国 Lesson 5:A Visit to the advisor
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    留学美国 Lesson 5:A VISIT TO THE ADVISOR

    In this conversation, an international student has been asked to see her advisor. The advisor has something very important to discuss with the student.

    Student: You wanted to see me?

    Advisor: That's right. We need to have a serious talk.

    Student: About what?

    Advisor: Your attendance--or rather, lack of it.

    Student: OK, so I've ditched class a few times . . .

    Advisor: A few times? I've been told you've missed six out of eight times in two different classes! That's really setting yourself up to fail.

    Student: Oh, come on. Those classes are really boring!

    Advisor: But they're also required, so that doesn't matter. You're about to be in big trouble.

    Student: What's the big deal about missing some classes?

    Advisor: The big deal is that you're here on a student visa.

    Student: So?

    Advisor: So if you don't attend class regularly, you won't be a full-time student--which your visa requires. You'll be out of status.

    Student: What are you gonna do? Turn me in to the Immigration Police?

    Advisor: Oh, of course I'll have to report you if you continue missing your class, but I'm going to do something else first.

    Student: Like what?

    Advisor: Like faxing your father.

      上一篇:留学美国 Lesson 4:Asking for the Way 下一篇:留学美国 Lesson 6:Shopping in America:Introduction

