Watching the video that you sent me
The one where you're showering with wet
hair dripping
那是你淋浴的情景 头发还湿漉漉滴着水
You know that I'm obsessed with your body
But it's the way you smile that does it for me
It's so sweet, knowing that you love me
知道你也爱我 是多么幸福
Though we don't need to say it to each
宝贝 我以为爱不用说出口
Knowing that I love you,and running my
fingers through your hair
深爱着你呀 手指穿过你的发
It's so sweet
Watching the video where you're lying
In your red lingerie,ten times nightly
身着红色性感 内衣 我夜不能寐
You know I think your skin's the perfect color
你知道吗 你的每一寸肌肤都让我迷醉
But it's always your eyes that pull me under
但 是你的眼神最为让我沉沦
It's so sweet, knowing that you love me
知道你也爱着 就觉得特别幸福
Though we don't need to say it to
each other,sweet
还以为不用彼此说 我爱你 但说出来原来那么幸福
Knowing that I love you,and running
my fingers through your hair
所以 我要说 我爱你 每次手指穿过你的发
It's so sweet
And I will gladly break it,
I will gladly break my heart for you
所以我 我心甘情愿为你心碎
And I will gladly break it,
I will gladly break my heart for you
所以我 我心甘情愿为你心碎
And I will gladly break it,
I will gladly break my heart for you
所以我 我心甘情愿为你心碎
And I will gladly break it,
I will gladly break my heart for you
所以我 我心甘情愿为你心碎
It's so sweet,knowing that you love me
知道你也爱着我 我觉得很幸福
Though we don't need to say it
to each other, sweet
宝贝 互诉衷肠原来也是幸福的
Knowing that I love you,and running my
fingers through your hair
我爱你 每次手指穿过你的发
It's so sweet