1. Don’t Starve Yourself 别饿着自己
Research does show you can lose unwanted weight by starving yourself. The problem is that up to 50% of that weight loss comes from muscle tissue, not from fat. And that sets you up for pure disaster.
2. Don’t Skimp on This Calorie-Free Calorie Burner
Water may be the furthest thing from your mind when you’re busy. But not drinking enough of the clear stuff can have dire consequences – even for your waistline!
3. Don’t Eat if You’re Not Hungry 不饿的时候不要吃东西
A lot of people overeat simply because the food is readily available. So get rid of the visual cues!
4 Don’t Eat Too Much Saturated Fat 不要食用太多饱和脂肪
High amounts of saturated fats are found in animal products such as beef, milk, cheese, lunch meat, butter and bacon.