Know what constitutes strength in character. Strength in character are the qualities that allow its possessor to exercise control over his instincts and passions, to master himself, and to resist the myriad temptations that constantly confront us. Moreover, strength in character is freedom from biases and prejudices of the mind, and tolerance, love, and respect for others.
Focus on the positives in life, and give no thought to the negatives. A physician once said to a young woman complaining of all sorts of troubles for which she asked of him a cure: "Don't think of them: it is the most powerful of all cures." Physical and mental pains can be alleviated by effort of the will to divert the mind into opposite channels, and exacerbated by the dwelling upon them.
Conquer all fears. Timidity is a stumbling block to success. Entertain no superstition, based upon superficial observations, but accepts facts based only upon solid reason. Build not your foundation upon sand, but upon a rock. Once you overcome fear, you will have the strength in character to think, to resolve, and to act victorious.
Be neither a pessimist nor an optimist, but a leader. A pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist expects the adverse wind condition to improve, but the leader takes action to adjust the sails.
Guard against irrational impulses. Always look before you leap. Free yourself from enslavement by your own passions. Inordinate, sensual appetites are the marks of a weak character.
Be content with what you have.Be content with your lot. Appreciate your own values and that which you have.
Learn to master your feelings. Let not anything other than sound reason dictate your decisions in the conduct of everyday life. Suppress inordinate impulses, and flee from temptations as soon as they appear. It is always difficult, and at times impossible, not to yield to feelings deep within the habitation of your soul, but you can learn to suppress their manifestations, and overcome them with common sense and sound judgment.