Do You Like TOMS?
I’m sure you’ve seen them: They’re a curious hybrid of the boat shoe and slipper. They look quite comfortable, yet I question their suitability for the streets (a friend of mine referred to them as “pajamas for the feet”).
They’re called TOMS, a brand for women, men and kids that was launched in 2006 and has gained in popularity this year. But the question is, do we like them?
TOMS promises: For every pair sold, TOMS gives a pair of shoes to a child in need.
The line was started after American traveler Blake Mycoskie visited Argentina and found many barefoot children walking on the streets.)
这位来自美国才华横溢的设计师 Blake Mycoskie,在阿根廷发现当地小朋友需要步行数英里 寻找清洁水源或上学,却没有鞋子保护双脚,遂决定为当地人做点事。他以阿根廷当地传统布鞋取得灵感,成立TOMS这个品牌。