时尚聚光灯 流行趋势的考验与磨难
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    Fashion Spotlight: the trials and tribulations of trends


    Trends: a very controversial topic. What is soappealing about them, anyway? Although they’reintended to be lighthearted and fun, they don’talways end up that way. To some, they may seemlike little fashion challenges that one can play aroundwith, but that’s not always the case. This week, Iwant to address common critiques of trends.


    Trends, like camouflage print scarfs, are a fun way to revitalize your look.


    Trends inevitably convey a very strong message. When coming from elite fashion magazines,they can imply, “You have to be this thin, or this tall, or this skin tone to be able to pull off thislook.” But how is that real if we all are different shapes and sizes? This is definitely somethingworth thinking about.


    Some may say that this is not the case at all. Although trends are portrayed in a very specificmanner in fashion magazines, part of the fun is taking that as an inspiration and, in turn,doing whatever you want from there. Let’s pretend that the biggest trend right now is thecrop top. For example: although that crop top might not work on me the same way as themodel, I can think about playing around with different waistlines and silhouettes created by myclothing. It’s true that it’s not exactly the same, but who said we all need to take thosemagazines so seriously anyway?


    But there’s always the haute couture fashionista who will say that trends are particular. Andthat’s partly true: A crop top is a crop top, and there’s not really any other way to makesomething that’s not a crop top a crop top. And if I feel like I can’t pull off a crop top, I’mexcluded from the latest and greatest fashion trend of the moment. It makes me not“fashionable” enough for haute couture that season.


    This makes fashion sound really exclusive. But trust me, it’s not. Fashion is all about self-expression, and the way we view it really makes all the difference. There are no “rules” infashion,only opinions. You really can wear whatever you want, whenever you want. At leasthere in the United States, no one’s going to punish you for what’s on your body. So take arisk. The trends are there for your inspiration, but in reality the world is your oyster when itcomes to deciding what style you want to adopt. If you don’t like the current trends, startyour own trends! Even if they don’t become universally popular, you’ll look like the bestversion of yourself that you could imagine, and that’s something beautiful.

    这样说来时尚真的有排外性。但是相信我,这并非事实。时尚不过是一种自我表现,差异来源于我们看待它的方式。时尚没有所谓的“规则”,有的只是不同的看法。 你当然可以再任何时候穿上任何你喜爱的衣服。至少在美国,没有人会因为你身上穿的衣服而惩罚你。所以冒冒险吧。流行趋势的存在不过是为了激发你的灵感,在你个人的着装风格这个问题上,世界尽在你掌握之中。如果你不喜欢当下的流行趋势,就引领你自己的潮流!即便你的搭配不是普遍追捧的款式,你会展现出你所能想象到的最好的一面,那才是真正的美丽。

    So even though I’ll be forecasting trends in the upcoming weeks, don’t feel tied down to them.They’re simply suggestions for how to change your image if you’re feeling festive or daring inthe fashion world. Take them as a challenge and a one-of-a-kind way to express yourself.


      上一篇:男式必知的15个保养衣物小窍门 下一篇:男士改良工装裤 实用又时尚


