男士改良工装裤 实用又时尚
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    MIKE TROIANO NEEDED to get something off hischest, and he went to social media to do it. In arecent Instagram post, the CMO of Waltham, Mass.-based tech company Actifio announced to theworld, with a mix of liberation and mourning:'Retiring Bigass Suburban Dad Cargo Shorts.Godspeed, old friend. #itssohardtosaygoodbye.' Theaccompanying photo showed a forlorn andweathered pair of olive cargo shorts. The pocketssagged like old skin, clearly distressed from years ofcarrying, as Mr. Troiano told me, 'anything smallerthan a toaster.'

    迈克·特罗亚诺(Mike Troiano)有心事要倾吐,于是他去了社交媒体上发帖子。在最近的一个Instagram帖子上,这位马萨诸塞州沃尔瑟姆市(Waltham)科技公司Actifio的首席营销长带着既解脱又哀痛的情绪向世界宣布:“大号‘乡下老爸’的工装短裤要退休了。祝你好运,老朋友。#itssohardtosaygoodbye(想说再见太难)。”配的照片是一条可怜的、饱经风霜的橄榄色工装短裤。下垂的口袋就像是衰老的皮肤,显然是遭受了多年装东西的折磨。正如特罗亚诺告诉我的:“只要是比烤面包机小的东西都会往里塞。”

    Like many men, myself included, Mr. Troiano, 47, responded to the cargo craze of the 1990s,when the military-inspired shorts and pants were introduced as casual wear for civilians. Cutabove the knee, they were 'the manliest shorts out there,' Mr. Troiano said. As pants, theywere rough, tough and workable for carpenters, adventurers and ordinary men who justneeded to carry more stuff.

    F. Martin Ramin/The Wall Street Journal,Styling by Anne CardenasDockers“阿尔法修身工装裤”,售价68美元,urbanoutfitters.com有售。和许多男士(包括我在内)一样,47岁的特罗亚诺也对1990年代的工装热做出了积极响应。当时这种灵感来自军服的短裤和长裤首次被作为休闲装向普通人推广。特罗亚诺说,那时这种长度到膝盖上方的短裤“是最有男人味的短裤”。长裤则比较粗糙耐穿,木匠和冒险家能穿,也适合需要装更多东西的普通人。

    At some point, however, Mr. Troiano decided the baggy cargo look was no longer appropriate.They were a 'stage-of-life' pant, he said, and he was well beyond his undergraduate days. Hisreaction isn't entirely uncommon-particularly among men who associate the look with sloppycollegiate bros burdened by bloated pockets.


    But there may be life in those pockets yet. 'If you asked us if cargo pants were stylish just afew seasons back, we would have answered with a resounding, 'No,' ' wrote the editors atEsquire on the magazine's site in 2012. In the next sentence, however, they confessed tochanging their tune. As well they should: In the past couple of years, the cargo hasexperienced a complete reputation rehab to become one of the most stylish and versatilego-to pieces of a man's wardrobe.


    This spring you can find debonair cargo pants from labels like Michael Bastian, Todd Snyder,Ovadia & Sons, Balmain and Michael Kors. Even Dockers, which reported that its sales ofcargoes have grown in the past year, this spring introduced a trimmer and more stylish pair,called the Alpha Slim-Fit Cargo.

    从左至右依次为:瑞格布恩、Ovadia & Sons、拉夫•劳伦黑标(Ralph Lauren Black Label)今年春季,你能找到来自迈克尔·巴斯蒂安(Michael Bastian)、托德·斯奈德(Todd Snyder)、Ovadia &Sons、巴尔曼(Balmain)以及迈克尔·科斯(Michael Kors)等品牌的优雅工装裤。就连Dockers今年春季都推出了一款更时尚的修身工装裤,名为“阿尔法修身工装裤”(Alpha Slim-Fit Cargo)。据报道,Dockers去年工装裤的销量有所增长。

    These new styles have evolved greatly from the original '90s cargo, which had a Rambo-in-Passaic look. 'These aren't college-fit cargoes that are baggy and beyond,' said Michael Kors.'Ours are polished with a cleaner fit. I wear cargoes all the time.'


    Mr. Kors's version is slender and comfortable with real New York attitude. It has the crisp linesof a chino with a great deal more visual appeal. With four smooth zippered pockets, thesecargoes are a slap in the face to the bulkiness of the past, and pickpockets of the future.

    F. Martin Ramin/The Wall Street Journal,Styling by Anne Cardenas从左至右依次为:托德•斯奈德、迈克尔•巴斯蒂安、Gant by Michael Bastian、李维斯(Levi's)、迈克尔•科斯

    American designer Michael Bastian has included cargoes in his collection since his first springseason in 2007. Mr. Bastian's spring cargo pant, pictured at right, is softened up, with slimlegs and neater, flatter pockets. They could replace your linen slacks for a languorous soireeon the beach, but they're polished enough for a smart weekend in the city or even a summerFriday at the office. 'I think [the cargo] is the one pant that falls directly in that spot betweenjeans and chinos,' said Mr. Bastian. '[It's] a little more dressed up than a jean and a little morespecial than an ordinary chino. It covers a lot of ground.'


    He said he wears corduroy cargoes for much of the year; in winter, they're heavier and blendedwith cashmere; in summer, they're lighter weight and off-white. 'Pair [cargoes] with a verytailored blazer,' he advised, 'and you're well-dressed enough for anything.' Seeing thedesigner's signature cargo look-rolled to the ankle and paired with a soft-shouldered blazer,shirt and tie-is enough to banish any frat-boy associations you ever had.


    One association designers would do well to hang onto is cargoes' connection to militaryhistory, which lends them a cool, rugged appeal. 'Cargo pants' longevity is all about theirutilitarianism,' said American designer Todd Snyder, whose resume includes stints at Gap,J.Crew and Polo Ralph Lauren dating back to 1992, and who shares Mr. Cucinelli's fondness forpairing cargo pants with a sport coat. 'That functionality endures over time.' Mr. Snyder's olive-hued Infantry Cargo pants, shown above, have slim modern lines but also a historical militaryfeel: You can almost see them on Alec Guinness in 'The Bridge on the River Kwai' or in a'Downton Abbey' war scene.


    Adhering even closer to the style's military roots, Rag & Bone designers MarcusWainwright and David Neville collaborated this spring with Crye Precision, manufacturers ofmodern-day combat apparel, to create their Precision Pants. With inverted pleat pockets onboth leg fronts and backs, the trousers are severely stylized. The collaboration, said Mr.Wainwright, telegraphs that their cargoes are 'all about vintage and authentic militaryclothing,' cutting to the heart of men's appreciation for the look.

    Gant by Michael Bastian腰部带纽扣的口袋可以装东西,大腿的口袋就可以腾出来。腰带很特别地带有额外的纽扣。完美工装裤(Perfect Cargo Pant),售价225美元,gant.com有售。

    But loving cargo pants doesn't necessarily mean that you're one step away from re-enactingthe Battle of the Bulge on the weekends. There's something purely aesthetic in the power ofthe pocket. 'It gives the pants just a little extra interest, rather than just a regular flat-fronttrouser,' said Bruce Pask, men's fashion director at Bergdorf Goodman.


    And so what started as a utilitarian pant and advertisement for masculinity, has morphed intoan endlessly interpreted design staple. Will the cargo ever go away? Avowed cargo enthusiastAlex Kasavin certainly doesn't think so. Mr. Kasavin, a co-owner of Brooklyn menswear shopIDOL, sees only continued evolution. A designer's sensibility can come through even when heworks within the conventions of cargo pants, Mr. Kasavin said. 'It's still a cargo, but it's alsoclearly that designer's pant.' At his store, he is selling the Matrix-like 'Memphis' pants from RickOwens's Drkshdw label. He also admires styles from other designers, such as Balmain.

    Everett Collection老式工装裤 2000年,身穿宽松工装裤的男孩乐团98 Degrees成员。科斯的款式很瘦,很舒服,有着纯粹的纽约态度。它有着斜纹棉布裤的挺括线条,视觉上的吸引力则强得多。四个流畅的拉链口袋让从前的臃肿无所遁形,也让小偷无处下手。

    These days, cargo pants speak across cultures, from hip-hop to hipster, beach front to boardroom. With all these options, I thought, surely I can coax Suburban Dad Mr. Troiano back intothe cargo-pant fold.

    从2007年首个春季系列开始,美国设计师迈克尔·巴斯蒂安的设计就一直包括工装裤。右图中巴斯蒂安今春的工装裤更加柔软,小腿更修身,口袋也更平整。这条裤子可以替代亚麻宽松裤去参加慵懒的沙滩聚会,而若要在城市里度过潇 的周末,或者夏季的周五在办公室里,它也足够地精致。巴斯蒂安说:“我觉得工装裤正好介于牛仔裤和斜纹棉布裤之间的位置。它比牛仔裤正式一点,又比普通的棉布裤更特别一点。它可以驾驭很多场合。”

    First, I asked if he would look at some images of the futuristic cargo pants by Rick Owens. Hefell silent. It was the silence of countless of us dads who have passed Brooklyn hipsterviability. Next, I asked him to look at Todd Snyder's work. 'That's a nice pant,' he said, '[It's] aclassic look.' 'How so?' I asked. 'Like Otis Day's 'Shout' classic,' he said, 'everyone loves thatsong!' Yes, I thought, in their own ways, everyone loves these pants.

    但是说到最新的设计师品牌高档工装裤,不得不提到意大利设计师布鲁奈罗·库奇内利(Brunello Cucinelli)。他花了很大精力为工装裤赋予了一丝奢华和休闲高雅的元素。库奇内利就像是一位时尚预言师,他从1998年开始就设计了小巧的工装裤款式。他说:“这种款式既年轻又实用,会让人显得很现代,同时又很舒适。它已经成了我的常规穿着。”

    But you can't talk about the new generation of high-end, designer-refined cargo pantswithout mentioning Italian designer Brunello Cucinelli, BC.MI -0.20% who has done more thanhis share to impart an air of luxury and casual sophistication to the pants. Something of afashion fortune teller, Mr. Cucinelli has produced a more dapper cargo pant since 1998. 'Thereis something youthful and practical about them which keeps a man looking modern andcomfortable,' said Mr. Cucinelli. 'They've become part of my uniform.'

    他说他大部分时候都穿灯芯绒工装裤。冬天比较厚,布料添加了羊绒;夏天是轻薄的白色工装裤。他建议道:“可以把工装裤和裁剪十分考究的休闲西服搭配,这样什么场合都能应付。” 巴斯蒂安的标志性工装裤款式——裤脚卷至脚踝,搭配一件无肩衬休闲西服、衬衫和领带——足以将任何兄弟会的痕迹消除。

    THAT'S DEBATABLE | Should I actually carry anything in my cargo pockets?

    设计师仍然很坚持的一点是工装裤和军服之间的联系,这种联系让工装裤有了一种很酷的粗犷的吸引力。美国设计师托德·斯奈德(Todd Snyder)说:“‘工装裤’的长盛不衰在于它的实用主义。”自1992年起,斯奈德陆续在盖璞(Gap)、J.Crew和拉夫·劳伦(Polo Ralph Lauren)供职。他和库奇内利一样,都喜欢将工装裤和轻便上衣搭配。他说:“那种功用性是历久常新的。”上图中斯奈德设计的橄榄色步兵工装裤有着修长的现代线条,同时也有军装的历史感:《桂河大桥》(The Bridge on the River Kwai)中的亚历克·吉尼斯(Alec Guinness)身上或者《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)中的战争场景中就有这种裤子的影子。


    今年春季,瑞格布恩(Rag & Bone)设计师马库斯·温赖特(Marcus Wainwright)及大卫·内维尔(DavidNeville)与现代军服制造商Crye Precision联合推出了Precision Pants,将工装裤与军服的渊源体现得更淋漓尽致。这款裤子前后都有暗?袋,风格化十足。温赖特说,这次合作的工装裤“就是对老式的真正的军服的演绎”,完全颠覆了男士们对这种款式的审美。

    Crazy as it sounds, 'utilitarian' fashion can actually be useful, contends the pro-stash camp.'You can carry everything in your pockets,' said Alex Kasavin, co-owner of Brooklyn store IDOL.American designer Todd Snyder takes a more conservative approach-restricting the actualcargo to slim and essential objects. 'You can carry your phone and passport,' said Mr. Snyder.'But nothing bulky.'

    但爱穿工装裤并不一定意味着你周末穿上工装裤会让突出部之役(Battle of the Bulge)重新上演。工装裤的口袋有着很纯粹的美感。波道夫·古德曼精品百货店(Bergdorf Goodman)男装总监布鲁斯·派斯克(Bruce Pask)说:“口袋让裤子多了有趣的元素,让它不再是一条平淡无奇的裤子了。”

    Not Really

    于是,最开始主打男子汉气概的实用工装裤演变成了有无数种解读的设计单品。工装裤会不会淡出时尚舞台?酷爱工装裤的亚历克斯·卡萨文(Alex Kasavin)肯定不会这么认为。卡萨文是布鲁克林男装店IDOL的老板之一,他认为工装裤只会继续演化。卡萨文说,即使是按照工装裤的传统惯例设计,设计师的感觉也能体现出来。他说:“虽然还是工装裤,但也很明显带有设计师的风格。”他的店里卖的是瑞克·欧文斯(Rick Owens)旗下Drkshdw品牌的工装裤,《黑客帝国》(Matrix)里孟菲斯(Memphis)的那种款式。他也喜欢巴尔曼等其他设计师的款式。

    Since one crucial element of the revamped designer cargo is sleeker pockets, keeping themempty or near-empty makes sense. 'You don't want to end up looking like a pack mule,' saidMichael Kors. But if you must, he allowed: 'Just a slim credit card or wallet.' BergdorfGoodman men's fashion director Bruce Pask always keeps his cargo pockets clean, with oneexception-those days when he's on location for a photo shoot.



    首先,我问他是否愿意看看瑞克·欧文斯设计的未来主义风格工装裤的图片。他陷入了沉默。正是无数老爸们的这种沉默最终让布鲁克林嬉皮风得以延续。接下来我让他看托德·斯奈德的作品。他说:“这条裤子不错,经典的风格。”我问道:“为什么?”他说:“就像Otis Day的经典歌曲《呐喊》(Shout)。所有人都喜欢那首歌!”没错,我心想,每个人都在以自己的方式喜欢这种裤子。

    Some feel it's a matter of choice. 'That's a very personal question,' said Rag & Bonedesigner Marcus Wainwright. 'I'm not going to determine that for anybody.'

    争议点 该不该在工装裤口袋里装东西?

    Lawrence LaRose

    Illustration by Joe McKendry for The Wall Street Journal裤兜当然可以装东西!当然可以!

      上一篇:时尚聚光灯 流行趋势的考验与磨难 下一篇:总有些时尚从不褪色 条纹时尚穿搭法则


