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    Tens of thousands of people marched throughMoscow yesterday in memory of Boris Nemtsov, theslain liberal politician, in the largest oppositiondemonstration the city has seen in three years.

    数万人昨日走上莫斯科街头游行,悼念被杀的自由派政治人物鲍里斯•涅姆佐夫(Boris Nemtsov),这是三年来该市爆发的最大规模反对派示威。

    People carrying portraits of the charismaticopposition leader and waving Russian flags movedin a sombre procession towards the spot where hewas murdered on Friday while walking home from arestaurant a stone’s throw from the Kremlin.


    Gennady Gudkov, a former member of parliament and opposition activist, said: “[Nemtsov’s]death has shocked people both inside and outside the Kremlin. People realise it’s a watershedmoment.”

    前杜马成员、反对派活动家根纳季•古德科夫(Gennady Gudkov)表示:“(涅姆佐夫的)离世令克里姆林宫内外的人们感到震惊。人们意识到这是一个分水岭时刻。”

    President Vladimir Putin has vowed to pursue those responsible for Nemtsov’s killing, which hecalled a “provocation”. But government critics have blamed the Kremlin for the politician’smurder.

    总统弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)誓言追缉那些要对涅姆佐夫被杀负责的人,称这起事件是“挑衅”。但批评政府的人士将这起谋杀归咎于克里姆林宫。

    Nemtsov’s death has demoralised an anti-Kremlin opposition already weakened by Moscow’scrackdown on dissent and the big jump in Mr Putin’s approval ratings following Russia’sannexation of Crimea last year.


    Yesterday’s march came with Moscow awash with conspiracy theories about who could havekilled Nemtsov, a former deputy prime minister who came to prominence in the mid-1990s asone of the so-called young reformers and had once been touted as a potential successor toRussia’s first democratically elected president, Boris Yeltsin.

    昨日举行游行的同时,莫斯科充斥着有关谁可能杀害涅姆佐夫的阴谋论。涅姆佐夫曾是俄罗斯副总理,他在上世纪90年代中期作为所谓的年轻改革者之一声名鹊起,一度被吹捧为俄罗斯首任民选总统鲍里斯•叶利钦(Boris Yeltsin)的一名潜在继任者。

    While Putin critics blamed the authorities, state media, government officials and pro-Kremlinpoliticians portrayed the killing as an attempt to destabilise Russia and floated the idea that thewest was behind it.


    Organisers estimated the number of marchers yesterday had reached 50,000 — although policeput it at 21,000. Florists in Moscow city centre sold out of their stock, as people boughttributes to lay on the spot on Great Moskvoretsky Bridge, close to the Kremlin, where Nemtsovwas shot dead while walking with his girlfriend.


    Marchers held black-framed placards with the words: “Boris, I’m not afraid,” and “They killedyou, they are killing freedom.”


    The marchers appeared to be a broad cross section of Russian society. “I am proud that I’mhere today,” said Pyotr, a 60-year-old man who would only give his first name. “I have neverbeen to a demonstration before, except for those marches we had to attend in the SovietUnion.”


    But the atmosphere differed markedly from past opposition demonstrations. There was nostage, no music and no speeches. Most people simply chatted quietly under an icy drizzle.


    Occasional shouts of “Russia will be free” and “Russia without Putin” rose from the crowd —slogans that had been popular during the mass anti-Putin rallies of 2011-12. But the chantingquickly died down.


    “I’m glad that so many people came, but I don’t think this changes anything,” said VeraMatveyeva, a 34-year-old civil rights activist.


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